2018 Transformation Challenge: 5 Steps to Become a Better You

2018 is just around the corner and I have decided to start a weekly segment challenge to transform ourselves to become our best selves in the new year.

Look out for the new posts with 2018 Transformation Challenge to follow along. Watch the video below for more information and if you prefer to watch then read.

5 Steps to Become a Better You

Continuing to learn will always be the ultimate benefit to become you're best self. This helps produce natural chemicals in your body that will assist you with happiness, clarity, and health. The same applies for the body, you can either help improve it or let it deteriorate away.


This will definitely help you continue you're growth in learning. Not only will it give you more of a sense of purpose and accomplishment but you will see and have new experiences that will force you to learn much more than you ever thought you knew.

This will stimulate your brain and get it thinking of new ideas, increasing those natural chemicals inside yourself to push forward in life.

You will also create a sense of gratitude for like and appreciate where you are and how far you have come.


Meditation has a load of highly beneficial aspects. The main thing is that you start to control your thoughts and emotions. This will help you stay focused in whatever you choose to do. It will keep you healthier as the negative thoughts and emotions will stop just popping up and stressing you out.


No matter what you need to be healthy. If you are sick, the other thing you care about in the world is to get better. You will have no thoughts on improving your life, finances, new relationships and so on. So you need to stay in good shape so you have the energy and will power to improve the other aspects in life.

Grooming and Style

Taking care of your outer appearance as a dramatic effect on not only the outside world but yourself. It will give you the confidence to push forward and believe in what you are doing when in public. It will give you a sense of respect and duty to perform at your best.

You will also attract the important people you need to progress. More people will want to talk and deal with you. It is also a great way to find your significant other.

Apply these 5 steps and see the benefits that they carry. Let me know what you think of them in the comment section below.

Thank you everyone for your support! It means a lot!


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