Every Thought is Associated with a Feeling - Why this is so important to us all

Everything you ever thought of has come from feeling and not fact. We do not recognize thoughts we only do through feelings and emotions. This is of such high importance to have a clear understanding of this or you could be causing negative emotions to be brought up over and over again, possibly for your entire life. Unless you realize the thoughts do not need to be worked on but the emotions do.

All thoughts are filed under the mind's memory bank in a filing system based on an associated feeling and tone. There is scientific proof of this and that it creates more awareness when you observe feelings rather than thoughts.

The thoughts associated with just one feeling could run into the thousands. If you do not understand that the emotion is what is causing you to overthink, stress, procrastinate, and much more then this could possibly never end. Understanding the underlying emotion will be much more rewarding and less time consuming then trying to relieve the thoughts.

Start by becoming more aware of your negative feelings, know that you do not need to understand what caused the thoughts but need to know what thoughts or situations are causing the emotion. Once you have figured out what has caused these emotions, you will want to know what emotion it is your dealing with. (Anger, Apathy, Grief, Pride)

Then you feel the emotion, don't push it away or try to understand it, just feel it, embrace it. Once you have done this for a few minutes, release the emotion, let it go.


The emotion is what causes your thoughts to reoccur over and over again. Once we understand it is the emotion we can see it and release it. Thus never returning again. Once you practice this you will start to push away negative emotions and they will be replaced with positive ones.

An amazing way to release such buried down suppressed emotions, feeling, and your thoughts. This can change your life forever. Take advantage of this great lesson that was taught to me. I will be discussing more into theses subjects in the future.

Wish you all the most success!


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