How Do We Create Abundance?? ♻️

Receiving Abundance...Is it possible??

How do you receive a ton of what you want and of everything you want?? Is this even possible? Well do not get into the limiting belief of what your mind has made up with already. I see this happen so much with people that conform and become complacent. Do NOT let this happen to YOU!!

It boggles my mind when I hear what comes out of some peoples mouths. This is my life and it's what I will be for it entirety. I grew up in a middle class family and it is what I will become because of that. Making "X" amount of money is just a dream and not possible for somebody like me. Well the more you believe that, the more of a possibility it will become. Why? Because you can only achieve what you believe and what is for the taking for you!

Skip below to watch my video

Consumer vs Creator

When you only consume (Eg. You only eat what is giving to you or around you) you are creating limitation in everything!! Such as material objects, feelings, energy, attraction, and beliefs. If we look at this in another way such as a creator, such as the example of food...

When you create your own meals, cook your food, you are creating the beliefs that there is more than what is just offered in life. You can make more, make it different, make extra for others. What a different perspective in life! From waiting around to receive whatever comes to you, to having what you want when you want.

The Law of Attraction or the manifesting of anything in this world does not come to those who are patient but to those who see it and grab it.

Watch my FULL explanation in the video below and check out my channel. Subscribe & Like to see more of the same videos

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Have a fantastic week everybody!!



My recent trip to Mexico

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