To make mistakes is one of the attributes that separates human beings from angels, therefore making mistakes is part of being human. Nobody is absolutely perfect. There are moments in life, when a person ends up making a mistake that he ends up regretting later. But the problem that occurs is when it comes to trust, once broken it becomes very difficult to rebuild.

It was Shannon who had said that:

“When you judge other people without wanting to know the true story behind their actions, is usually when there is something inside of you that is so broken that if you found out what you believed about them was a lie, you wouldn't want to accept it or make amends.”

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Quick to Pass Judgements:

When a person makes a mistake, he starts getting judged by the witnesses of his mistake. They start assuming things about the person on their own. It is usually said that ‘First Impressions are Last Impressions’ , but this is not entirely true, people judge way to quick and they do not hesitate to find some sort of flaw in the other person. This is just basic enmity, which arises from jealousy most of the time.

According to Anuj Somnay, he exclaimed that:

“Judging other people is such a natural and reflex phenomenon that even when somebody advises everybody not to judge anybody, actually he never realized that he has already judged that people judge others.”

Forgetting Virtue and Exposing Errors:

It is unfortunate that the world today is filled with more animosity then it used to in the past. It does not matter if one tries to explain himself to his peers, they would still judge him on the basis of the things they heard about him or that mistake that he had made once. They would ignore his good nature and his previous virtuous deeds. Since man is now in a competition. It is the survival of the fittest. No one likes to see someone else progressing through life happily. People have become way more sadistic then they had ever been before.

As Dale Turner had alluded:

“It is the highest form of self-respect to admit our errors and mistakes and make amends for them. To make a mistake is only an error in judgment, but to adhere to it when it is discovered shows infirmity of character.”

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Misjudging others has bad Consequences:

It is best not to judge others too quickly. For a good person might be regarded as bad and the bad might be regarded as good. Keeping in mind the good aspects of the other person, one should be careful not to focus only on the others flaws. Relationships are built on the basis of compromise. If one does not learn the art of compromise then in any event in his social life, he would fail to interact with any one.

A wise person had once said:

“Ungrateful people complain about the one thing you have not done for them. Instead of being thankful for the thousands of things you do not invest your time into people who think it is your obligation to cure their ills”.


In the end, one should look for the good sides of others instead of exposing their bad sides to others, one should respect the fact that by the end of the day we are only human. We all make mistakes, but that does not give anyone else the right to mock the person for the mistake he made only once and probably regretted greatly after doing so.

As Elizabeth had said:

“Still, it was a sad state of the world that people judged others not by the best that they could be but by the worst thought in their own hearts.”

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