If you’re wondering whether or not looking and seeing are the same thing or not then it is safe to say that they may be similar but they have one fatal difference. The main difference between looking and seeing is the fact that one can accidentally look at something that he or she does not intend to look at. But a person sees what they wish to see themselves and another person can act just as mirror. It is not a natural phenomenon rather an intentional one.

It was once said by Peter Diamandis that:

“Your mind set matters. It affects everything - from the business and investment decisions you make, to the way you raise your children, to your stress levels and overall well-being.”

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Matter of Perception:

Every man visualizes the world in their own perspective. Thus every man has his own ideology and belongs to a specific school of thought. It depends on the person on what he chooses to believe in. For the main point is his belief system. If he chooses to believe then surely what he believes would come to be true.

For Example:

For example if a person looks at himself in the mirror and decides to believe in the fact that he is ugly then he would ultimately feel ugly. Since he looked at himself as something ugly he failed to realize the fact that if he could actually see beyond his haunting past, his inner beauty, and his righteous self then he would be able to face the world with a broader mind set.

In the Modern World:

In the world we live in today, it is society that decides for us whether something is good or bad. People have become fabricated in society’s views that as long as society approves of him then he is fine. He refuses to see the truth himself. Since his mind has been set on believing everything that he has been told by others, he judges himself based on how others look at him not on the bases of what he sees in himself, his potential and actual worth.

It was wisely said that:

“With a fixed mind set, you believe you are who you are and you cannot change. This creates problems when you're challenged because anything that appears to be more than you can handle is bound to make you feel hopeless and overwhelmed.”

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Judging Others:

Similarly in the view of society as a whole, people are so busy judging others by what they look like on the outside. Society has failed to realize the fact that to err is human, thus whenever he tends to make a mistake the people judge him. But they fail to find the true kind person hidden beneath the debris of flaws that society itself pours on him. They fail to see his good sides. They fail to see his humanity, rather they notice it but in order to bring the person down they do not point it out for him.
Keke Palmer had once said that:

“Just do you. Go with the flow and with your life because that's you experiencing life. You being yourself is you doing your purpose, so the more we get out of the mind set of thinking there's a certain way to go about things, the freer we become.”

End Note:

In the end, one should believe in himself and view the world based on its good aspects not just focus only on the bad aspects. For the fact remains that there is darkness, but it only remains until one refuses to see the light. If one chooses to believe in the good side of things then he surely would be lead to the bright side. It is only a matter of what you believe in.
As Travis Bradberry had said:

“People with a growth mind set believe that they can improve with effort. They outperform those with a fixed mind set, even when they have a lower IQ, because they embrace challenges, treating them as opportunities to learn something new."

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