Be BLUER than Green

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I want to be BLUER.

My hope is that my children will want to be BLUER as well.

God willing, the desire to be BLUER will not stop with them but will continue far beyond 7 generations. This hope is not only for my posterity, but also for my fellow man.

Sadly, I have not always thought this way.

Like most, I lived a life that was very short sighted, very myopic in my day to day activities. I wouldn’t have considered myself to be greedy or materialistic, but in truth, I was just that. Without realizing it, I made my pursuit of happiness all about making money.

Do not wear yourself out to get rich; do not trust your own cleverness. Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle. Proverbs 23:4-5 NIV

Whether this notion was a result of effective corporate marketing or simply ingrained in my psyche through societal observation the result was the same: I believed that having money, more money , always MORE money, was the root of all happiness. Since money is what I thought could make me happy I chased whatever opportunities presented themselves that would bring me the biggest ROI. I was wrong! This was an empty and vain pursuit.


A major part of my problem was that I had no vision. Not as in "20/20", but as in "forward thinking."

I was like a rudderless ship sailing from one money making venture to the next with no clear plan on how to build the kind of life that would bring true happiness. You see, I didn’t know then what I know now. The secret to true happiness isn’t money or the “stuff” that money can buy.

The secret to true happiness is building wealth!

“Wait a minute!” You may protest, “I thought you just said that money couldn’t buy you happiness?”

You’re right, young grasshopper, I did say that, and no it can’t.

Please, do not, I repeat, DO NOT confuse money with wealth.

Sure, money can help you create wealth, but it is not wealth in and of itself. Money is just one tool out of many that can be used to build real wealth. Wealth is so much more than just material possessions. It can’t be merely measured on a balance sheet or in a portfolio of investments.

I've come to know and believe that true wealth is found in the acronym B.L.U.E.R. Building Legacies Utilizing Earth’s Resources. I believe that all wealth is derived from land, which ultimately comes from the LORD.

I don’t know where I heard that originally. I’ve been searching for the source of this sentiment, but haven’t had any luck tracking it down. So, if any of you are aware of its origin and can make it known to me, I would greatly appreciate it.

Think about it. Our food, our fuel, our building materials, our habitations, our industry all come from natural resources which come from land. Gold and silver come from land. Oil and coal come from land. Timber and water come from land. Everything tangible comes from land!

In upcoming posts I will unwrap the nuances of what being BLUER is and what it looks like in everyday life.

Thanks for reading. If you found this post inspiring or amusing, be sure to follow or upvote. Much appreciated!

As always,

Bluer is Better!

Bluer is Greener!

Be Bluer than Green!

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