
You were born,

to communicate you were just crying 😢 and get everything among what are available.

You become an adolescent experimenting everything including people,

You found a lot and yet don't know the reality, and it was easy to full you because of your curiosity to taste everything,

all you wanted was fame,

you were fighting for recognition.... Dancing, wearing like crazy just to get attention in the community being a star 🌟,
you wasted a lot of money just to buy fame,

you wanted to live the present and that's all you knew ...

Parents talked and you were angry,

telling yourself that they don't have an idea to what is modernisation...

You have gone to college leaving your parents, having confidence that you've got independence,
you enjoyed life

Yet responsibilities become bitter, you started telling yourself that parents were right at some points.

You started thinking about the future

"if, will, shall...."

You started seeing the reality


everything is not easy,
that people are not good,
that world is not fair


You started crying again telling everyone your experience,

On Facebook

Writing, posting
photos full of sorrow, hopeless, heartbroken...

Thinking that people will show sympathy..


yet you found out that no one cares,

And that's when you realized


you come on this world alone

and even your twin is 5mins older than you or vise versa ,

You started realizing the effects of your choices and trying to reverse everything,

time comes people are asking why you're not getting married,

and on that pressure you did it, marriage ceremony cost all your savings


You started new life depending on monthly income, you got children... blessings


to pay their school fees is a hard task,
all you gave them was a life to start from zero with no savings,
just to fight for themselves.
You started the circle of fighting to survive in
a whole family
just for simple mistakes you've been doing thinking that you have time.

All life will not be like this but learn to take right decisions and to think about the future while you're young.!


Build a strong family that will take care of you while you no longer have energy to work


when you are no longer there,

make sure that

your family will always be proud to say that they have your blood and genes circulating in their vessels.

You become what you think about!


It's not early to think about your future not even late. Act now thought without actions are nothing!

By Jado



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