They all failed at something but what is going to make you succeed?


Genius Einstein has said that a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

We usually observe rich people in the city, having big apartments, driving expensive cars, drinking expensive drinks and we don't care of their struggles before making that fortune, what we only do is comparing their achievements to ours.

When you try to read the story of those billionaires you will see how many times they failed and what they have in common no one gave up.

The famous Chinese billionaire Jack Ma have failed a lot of times even on those cheap jobs. In 1999 he has nothing only ideas but see now ALIBABA, he is making millions and millions. He never gave up.

You also know the story of Steve Jobs, no need to mention Ben Carson; you know how they all struggled to get this thing called success.

We have different environments, unequal opportunities but what successful people share in common they always find a way; they don't complain, excuses are not among their options.

Evaluate yourself, what is your vision, what is your speed towards that vision?

We have all failed at something but winners are not those who never fail but those who never give up!


Thanks for your time reading!

By Jado



You become what you think about!

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