A dog lovers ode to a cat.
So this is Noel, she lived 21 years and crossed the Rainbow Bridge four years ago. I grew up with German Shepherds. I have had dogs all of my life, but Noel stole my heart. She came with my wife who told me Noel was not crazy about her prior boyfriends. Noel and I hit it off right away. She would lay in my lap, pester me for attention, and was very affectionate with me. She was a small cat, not more than 7 lbs. When she died she was 5 lbs. But I miss her every single day. I miss her sitting on my keyboard, licking the top of my head in the middle of the night (check out my introductory post for my picture, you'll see why she liked the top of my head), listening to music with me, or sitting and talking to me.
Putting her to sleep was one of the most terrible things I ever had to do, I still feel like I betrayed her.
She liked the Tears for Fears song Closest Thing to Heaven. It was appropriate and every time I hear it I go back to her sitting in my lap purring. Yeah, I know it is about a woman, but hey this is my ode. :)
So nothing profound or preachy today, just the confessions of a dog lover about his cat.
By the way, am I the only one who wishes that people were as decent and kind as the animals who adopt us?
Photo credits: All photographs were taken with my Canon EOS60D. I took the picture of Noel and my son took the one of me on the Blue Bavarian Bitch.
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Hello! I am Mike K. I am an educator, lifelong student, military vet and wannabe musician. I have a love of history, economics, philosophy and motorcycles. I am quickly moving from minarchy to Christian anarchy philosophically and want people to stop meddling. My debut CD should be out soon!

Riding in Tennessee with my son on the Green Eyed Snake