What is Life?


I define Life as any physical body with a self generated electrical pulse. From the time I understood Electric Universe theory this has been my default mind set.

Internalizing this simple one sentence describing Life leads to many interesting shifts in perspective. This Universe suddenly springs to life, very literally.

The Sun has it's own self generated electrical pulse, so do the planets and moons of our Solar System. So do plants and fungi. So do river valley's due to the interaction between the waters current against the static earth on which it travels.

Mountain Ranges, Coastal Regions, Forests, and Deserts can be observed as having their own unique electrical signature, and therefore one can view these things as being their own form of Life. The Spirits of the Land so many ancient traditions and cultures describe.

A human being has multiple areas within their body which generate their own pulse. The Brain, the Heart, and the Gut are the major three, but there are more. This leads one to some very interesting and deep area's of thought if pursued below the surface. Thoughts that lead into the Spiritual realms, for those who dare to go there.

Thoughts can be thought of as packets of electrical information which can travel along these electrical currents our body generates and receives. This is how non-sensory information can be shared between different forms of Life, communication outside of sight, sound, smell, taste, or touch. Materialistic mindsets will dismiss anything outside of these five points of perception as rubbish and fantasy, however, millions of people experience things outside of these physical senses, myself included.

Moments where you think or talk about someone and they call or text or email you at that same moment are the most common. People who say they communicate with plants, animals, spirits, etc. are also able to insert their experience into the Electrical Universe model without any logical conflicts. Anything that is alive also has the ability to communicate, as this is just the sharing of information between different parts of Life.

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