Amazing Homemade Inventions 2016 #6

I finished the bike just a few days before Scarlett Fever. With all of the construction done, the only thing left was to take a test ride. I was extremely nervous because up to this point I had no idea if the motor even worked! I dreaded the thought of the endless hours of troubleshooting that would ensue if the motor didn't start. Anxiously I positioned myself on the bike at the top of my steep driveway, started coasting down, popped the clutch, and...nothing! OK, it was just one try, but my confidence was starting to sink. Then I realized, I had never opened the fuel petcock! So i opened up the petcock and tried again. By the time I reached the bottom of my driveway, the bike sputtered to life and I was off. The project was a success!

The small engine warmed up quickly and I could open the choke before I even reached the end of the block. The bike cruised along easily, topping out at around 25 mph? I spent the next couple of days riding the bike breaking in the motor, working out the kinks, and making some final adjustments. It was way too much fun. It was going to be hard to see this one go come raffle time.
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