Karma isn’t a bitch – its just a reflection of your actions from the past

This post is in continuation of my 3 part series on Life, Karma and Moksha.

To read my earlier post on what happens when we die: Click link below


My post on Moksha is coming soon.

‘Karma is a bitch’ an idiom mostly used by Gen X.

Well let me tell you, Karma is not a bitch, but probably it’s you who are, as you might have acted bitchy in the past. Karma is just like a mirror, but instead of reflecting your outer body, its a reflection of your past actions- good or bad.

Karma is Karma and it will come back, an act of help or an act to destroy, an act of giving selflessly or an act of grabbing selfishly, everything will come back. But if any action of yours that is driven by excessive:

  1. Lust
  2. Greed
  3. Anger, Rage
  4. Ego, Pride
  5. Attachment, materialism

Is bound to come back to you negatively. Any of our actions that land us in trouble sooner or later are always driven by any of the five drivers mentioned above, it happens when you are controlled by your mind, but not otherwise.

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As said in one of the Hindu Scriptures, you came empty handed and you will go empty handed, you will carry nothing except your Karma-tic balance. Now its the time that decides if your Karmatic balance gets balanced out in this life or next. As my grandmother used to say, “even gods are in hurry”, they will give it back to you in this life itself.

Alas, humans have selection bias, they will forget what they have done to others or this universe, but they will never forget what others have done to them and they will keep cringing that Karma is a bitch.

A simple exercise: Reflect back to your past and identify a particular incident that you regret the most, any decision that now think you should not have taken, I am sure there would be something. Now, go back in time and see in your mind – can you identify which particular emotion made you do that, was it anger, greed, lust, love, ego, or combination of these. Now if you are able to identify the prime driver, how you would have acted by eliminating that factor.

In conclusion: You can avoid major roadblocks in your life, if you keep your mind in your control as your mind can be easily distracted by any of these 5 senses, don’t let it happen. Taking any major decision of your life, don’t let your senses overpower you.

As is commonly said: Never make any promises when you are Happy, never make any decisions when you are angry.

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