Hand knitted bear 手工编织小熊


In the evening , my sister-in-law told me to go to her home to take some dumplings she cooked tonight . She said I can eat them for the next morning as breakfast , ok , I will . As a elder sister , she did everything for us just like my –mother –in –law. When I entered her home , I was shocked by her hand knitted bears. So many toys ! I asked : are these toys knitted by yourself ? how did you do it ? amazing , so beautiful !

娃娃 们_副本.jpg

She said she will fly to America to take care of her granddaughter, and she wanted to take some toys as presents for her granddaughter. She had bought enough clothes for her , the toys she wanted to buy are so expensive and some of them are not suit for her. One day, she had an idea to knit a bear , very nice , so she knitted a lot in her free time . look ! are they beautiful in the cupboard ?





It usually took her an evening to finish one bear, so fast ! I can’t help thinking , Chinese women are so diligent that they not only take care of the baby for their child, but also think about everything for the grandchildren. I said , you needn’t knit so many toys , a few toys are ok . she smiled , she said she will divided the toys to the children who are in the children’s Kindergartens . How kind she is ! how luck the children are !

小熊 正脸_副本.jpg

Then I say I will took some photos for the toys , and I will post them on the steem , let other people see our traditional culture . many young people , just like me , who can do this ? who can knit the toys or the sweater ? very few people can do this . They always want to buy , buy and buy the clothes, the toys , everything that have been finished by the machine . But the hand knitted toys or clothes have disappeared ! What a pity !



So I took the photo of the little bear of my sister’s . Look, isn't it cute? I remember these things usually did by my mother or my grandmother. Perhaps a few years later, these things have disappeared !Now the pace of life is getting faster and faster, who can have time to do the handwork? Take it down on the steem, it is said it will never be disappeared on the block chain . Maybe many years later , it will be our good memory , and keep our traditional handicraft pass on ! what do you think ?


Thanks for your reading and welcome you upvote , follow @bxt and resteem !

晚上姐姐打电话, 说她包的牛肉包子,让我过去拿几个留早饭吃。好吧,作为长姐如母,一点也不假,自从婆婆仙逝以后,姐姐似乎就担当了真正的如母的角色,动不动就去她家里拿点什么,经常问有没有需要的?那就过去看看吧,结果一进她家,就被她手工编织的小熊吸引住了, 我说:“你这是怎么弄的啊, 竟然这么好看!”

姐姐说,她马上就要去美国帮外甥女照顾孩子去了,在家没事的时候,想着带点什么东西给宝宝玩呢? 衣服买了些,也够了。 现在的玩具太贵,有的也不太适合小孩玩,于是就把多年不干的钩针编织捡了起来。刚开始想钩一个玩具就行了, 后来钩着钩着就一发不可收拾,瞧,她钩了一堆的小玩具,橱窗里摆了那么多。

现在她在钩小熊,而她也就1个晚上的时间,小熊就钩完了!我不禁感叹, 中国妇女的勤劳,不仅想着帮着带孩子, 甚至孩子的玩具也想到了, 更可贵的是还发扬了中国劳动妇女的美德,传统的女红也派上了用场。 我说你钩这么多的小玩具宝宝也用不了那么多啊?她说可以过去给宝宝幼儿园的小朋友分啊,每人一个也不少呢!瞧瞧, 连幼儿园的小朋友也带上了,考虑的真周到,现在的小孩子真幸福!

我说我拍几张照片吧,这些小熊太可爱了,顺便发在steem 上, 万一哪个人看好了你的小熊,也想要呢!她笑了, 说,你们玩的都是高级玩意儿, 谁能稀罕我这些小东西啊!我说那可不一定,你这个也是传统的中国手艺,现在的年轻人,就如我, 有几个会编织的啊?都是买,买,买,买现成的,橱窗里的娃娃五颜六色的什么样的都有,传统的手工艺品,已经离我们越来越远了,你这个也是对传统文化的继承啊!

于是我把姐姐编织的小熊拍了下来,瞧,是不是很可爱呀? 这种钩针编织的东西大家是不是也像我一样,觉得离我们生活很远?我记得这些东西也就是以前我妈妈,我姥姥才做。也许若干年后,这些东西都消失了,现在生活节奏越来越快,谁能有时间做手工呢? 拍下来,留在steem 上,做个纪念吧,也让我们的传统手工艺得以保存。


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