The busiest and most prosperous street of Dalian 大连之最繁华街道


In Dalian, if you ask , where is the most prosperous street in the past? The people will say it's Tianjin street, but if you ask where the busiest street is now, then that's not Tianjin street. It must be the commercial street of Xi'an road.

Walk into Xi'an Road, look at this busiest street at the closest distance, you will realize what is prosperous and you can know why the center of Dalian's center is moving west. Xi'an Road Commercial Street became the most beautiful street in Dalian, it is like a fluttering ribbon, connected the South Dalian Xinghai Square and the north – the entrance of Shen Da high-speed intersection. Every day , about the population of about 200 thousand people came here , that is why it became the well-known commercial street.

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You can see many stores and shopping malls here . They are integrated with shopping, catering, leisure and entertainment to provide you with one-stop service.

This is the symbol of the commercial street of Xi'an Road, the icons are made of small fish. From here, go directly to the Roosevelt square which has underground and ground. You can see all kinds of restaurants and shopping malls on the floor, a total of three layers, both sides can see each other, in the middle of a hall, there are often large commodity exhibition.


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Walk into the first floor of the hall, there is a large set of special purchases for the Spring Festival. Everything is here from eating to wearing. You can see thousands of people here come and go . Look , I found a snack , the meatball . I bough four and tasted , very nice . And here the old couple sold the Tianjin specialty, the bean cake, and it was not bad , so good . crispy outside and soft inside. In addition, there are still stuffy, fried stinky tofu, all kinds of snacks. You can buy what you want to eat .









In a word, if you come to Dalian, you will come to Xi'an road to experience its flourishing, enjoy the flourishing of a city, and see the development of a city, you will not be disappointed! Welcome you to be a gust , welcome to Dalian !

在大连,如果说以前最繁华的街道是哪儿? 那大家一定会说是天津街, 但是如果现在你问最繁华街道在哪儿? 那可就不是天津街了, 那一定是西安路商业街。

走进西安路,零距离看这条街,你才体会什么是繁华, 才会知道为什么说大连的重心在西移?西安路商业街成为大连最美丽的一条街, 它像一条飘舞的彩带, 向南连着星海广场, 向北连着沈大高速路口,每天流动人口达到了20万人左右, 这个数字奠定了它成为全国知名商业街的基础。

不管你什么时候来这条街,都是人山人海的, 这里有很多的大型商场多达20多家。 例如,这里汇聚了锦辉商场,麦凯乐分店,友谊商城分店,沃尔玛超市, 福佳新天地,百盛购物中心, 天兴罗斯福商场,新增加中央大道等等,这些商场集购物,餐饮,休闲,娱乐为一体, 为您提供一站式服务。

这是西安路商业街的标志,小鱼建成的图标。从这里直接进入到天兴罗斯福,它也是个大型购物广场, 分地下和地上,地下都是美食, 各种餐饮店, 地上是商场,共三层,两侧能互相看到, 中间是个大厅, 经常有大型商品展出。

我来的时候,这里是年货大集,进入腊月,商家开始为大家准备了过年的礼品,人来人往, 好不热闹。通常我逛街都是走马观花, 然后直奔美食小吃。瞧,这个是烤的小丸子,通常小朋友喜欢吃这个, 我也跟着来一个,味道还不错。

总之如果你来大连,就来西安路体验一下它的繁华吧,赏一市之繁华, 品一城之发展,你不会失望的!

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