The taste of the lunar year (two) 年味之二


After graduating from college, I stayed in Dalian. Because more than 80% people from Dalian come from Shandong province, I think Dalian's spring festival is more like Shandong's style.

The most typical difference is steamed bread before the spring festival. I remember the first time when I came to mother –in –law’s home .She steamed large varieties Buns are really beautiful, there are all kinds of mascos, two fish Steamed Buns, a dragon, and the hedgehog, lotus Steamed Buns, Steamed Buns jujube, bean buns , Fu Steamed Buns and so on , it is a really Steamed Buns feast.


In the evening of the eve, these steamed buns will be placed to welcome the ancestors. It means
sacrifice the ancestors, seeking their protection and wish the families’ longevity and health.

On the eve of the new year, in addition to making dumplings, also steaming taro, making rice cake, lotus seed steamed bread or fish steamed bread. There is also a small dish placed in the middle with some Chinese cabbages, bean curd and a long fish . the fish takes the wealth, and the cabbage and tofu means to protect the family safety. Every person must eat a little although you are not hungry in fact.

On the third day to send ancestor’s back, then the daughter-in-law can come back home with her husband and children, carrying gifts back to the mother's home. In the northeast , usually came back on the second day. So you see this is the different customs in different places.

On the fifteenth day of the lunar year, there is a custom of sending lanterns. On this day, everyone can enjoy the lanterns in the garden, then they can go to the tombs to send the lights for the late relatives. People bring all kinds of beautiful lanterns and send lights to the ancestors , so there are so many people who go to the tombs on this day, and this is also my experience after wedding.

In short, for the Spring Festival, even Chinese people, there are many different customs in different places. But the purpose of everyone is to cherish the memory of ancestors, do not forget their ancestors' kindness, and then ask for the good luck and safety of a whole year, and wish everyone healthy and wealthy .

With the development and progress of the times, old customs will gradually fade, the new spring festival activities have set off, for example in recent years, people's living standards have improved a lot, people are not satisfied with the family reunion dinner, they want more spiritual pursuit, such as tourism festival, everyone can enjoy the festival with their families when they have a travel , this is really a good choice.





还有这边是初三送神,因此媳妇回娘家,在大连,都是初三,带着老公,孩子,携带上礼物回娘家。而在东北是初二回娘家,正所谓十里不同村, 百里不同俗。


总之,对于春节,即使是中国人, 不同的地方也有许多不同的风俗,但是大家的宗旨都是对于先祖的缅怀,祭奠,不忘先人之恩,再就是求的一年的好运平安,健康发财。


感谢您的阅读, 春节愉快!

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