Real Life Bloggy Stuff: Meet My Husband, my Other Half, my Lobster <3


We met the week after we turned 19 (our birthdays are 6 days apart). It was a pretty intense 'love at first sight' kinda thing (don't argue with him about that, he'll never believe it was anything other than love at first sight!)

In spite of the instant 'Love Bubbles' and all that, like a lot of teenage relationships, it didn't last. We then spent a few years apart ~ discovering that we definitely had that something special together ~ so we got back together, eloped in the midst of what can only be described as pure unexpected chaos... and now we have been married for almost 24 years and raised 5 kids together.

All of that is just crazy to me! I'm surely not old enough to have been married that long, or have that many grown kids, right? ;) I am in the works of writing some of our 'love story' for a February post series, because we have quite the interesting story!


He’s the crypto geek-pro in our house at the moment, working together on his own investments and crypto-education. He's also working together with our sons and they are all gaining more experience and interest every day. He’s a fantastic writer and has a lot of good information to share, so you should check him out. His Introduction post on steemit is HERE


He's also starting to post some of his creative writing as well and seems to be doing pretty damn good with his first fiction post, A Disaster of Stupidity


This guy is definitely my rock and my stability. He's so much better at that part of life than I am in SO many ways.

He has always been amazingly supportive of my crazy ideas and adventures (writing, directing and producing plays for the local community theater/homeschooling/traveling the country, living on a bus and selling my painting-on-motorcycle-skills). He's been tirelessly supportive of my unusual parenting choices, life choices... all of it.

He’s the techie to my artsy, the book smart to my common sense (hey, he said it first!), the solid one to my flighty, emotional self.

He’s helped me work through a huge array of issues, often times just the two of us. He’s sailed us down through Florida, through the Bahamas and to the Dominican Republic after convincing us to move onto a sailboat for a while, even though none of us had even been ON a sailboat before (that was his adventure that we supported him on!)

He is my lobster, an amazing dad to our children (and that is something I never had in my life growing up), supports them in all of their crazy endeavors as well... and he's just a pretty incredible guy.


He’s the one who discovered steemit when he was in the midst of trading cryptos and convinced me to give it a try… and has been nothing short of supportive and encouraging of that as well.

He spoils me ALMOST as much as he spoils my dog (it was my dog… but eh… that's a whole different story ;)


Sooo... go check him out and say 'Hi' and tell him I sent you :)


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