DRUGS for KIDS -- If Your Child Has a Condition Know as "BEING A CHILD" the Answer is DRUGS (Parody)

This video is a Parody about ADHD Drugs and how we are drugging children for simply being children.

Help this video go viral. After a year, it still has only 9,695 views, but I think that every parent and grandparent should see it.

Thank-you Magnet Video Lab for making this awesome video!

Excerpts from the Video ...

"Having a child who is a child can be a real challenge."

"But now, we know we have options, DRUGS! My doctor recommended, DRUGS."

"If your child has trouble focusing on things that are boring ... Drugs may provide relief."


      PLEASE, PLEASE Watch This 2-Minute Video

Posted to youtube on 2016-04-03.

So should we prescribe Psychiatric Drugs for little children?

... or let children play more often?

I hope that is not a difficult question for you to answer.

Let's put it another way -- turn your child into a Drug Addict ... or Let them PLAY a lot more often?

Children who can't sit still in a BORING, irrelevant school class do not have a Drug Deficiency! They should not be given Ritalin or another version of Psychiatric ADDICTIVE Drugs!

Do our children need fixed or are our schools a lot of the problem?

The video mentions the systemic problems with the school system. This is spot on!

Children are not meant to sit for hour and hours in a boring class, not get physical activity, and then have to do hours of homework on top of that!

Children are meant to be curious and explorers. They are meant to play!

For more on our failing school system, see my last post on How Schools FAIL So Many Children -- The "Animal School" Analogy

Now I know that there can be real causes of children being overly hyper. But let's not address these issues with drugs but dig down to find the root cause and a more natural solution.

As the video says,

Giving your child drugs may also distract you from the root causes of your child's focusing issues:

including over-exposure to electronic media, poor diet, lack of exercise, and systemic problems with our educational system.

Top 10 Reactions to ADHD Drugs/Stimulants

image credit

ADHD drugs come with a LONG LIST of side-affects. They are DANGEROUS! They can even kill!

The Video also mentions one more side-affect of DRUGS for KIDS ..

Billions in Revenues for Pharmaceutical Companies ...

ADHD Drugs image source


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