Learning To Be Grateful...

Moving away from the mentality of lack is a very important practice all of us need to actively participate of. Without a doubt the ideas that keep us from achieving our true potential are tied to fears of scarcity and personal doubt.

It’s not easy to leave these ideas behind, for one they are always present in situations of conflict and specially if we are attempting to tackle a new type of challenge. In other words, the fear of the unknown, of failure, is never completely erased from our lives.

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Is there a way to fight back?

I happen to believe there is one way to do so and it starts with being acquainted with “gratitude”. I fully realize I’m using a word that in many cases seems to be overused by different leaders of many dogmas. We even say “thank you” hundreds of times a day as a social protocol in civil interactions.

The way I like to think of this word however goes a little above that simple concept. I am of course not saying anything against using it casually or even often, but I’m talking more about a realization we could all attempt to arrive at when analyzing our surroundings, our relationships and even our work environment.

Gratitude is healing

I don’t believe that to be an overstatement in the slightest. Every single time in my life I’ve felt a little lost or confused, taking the time to appreciate what I have, what I’ve learned, who I have in my life has always helped me reach my emotional center.

It might seem like a conversation regarding emotions is not suited for dialogues about personal success and growth, but quite the opposite is the truth. The way we feel about our life, the way we perceive our “now” directly affects how we act today. Making a case for what happens tomorrow due to our actions today needs no demonstration or example.

In those days you are feeling a down

Make a conscious effort to find something in your life you can be grateful for. I’m of course not talking about ignoring problems or at least I’m not doing so in a permanent way. This is more of a practice in perspective. Most of the time when we are in a situation where we believe everything is going wrong, we believe so because we have not managed to zoom out and see the whole picture.

I fully realize saying is a lot easier than doing, which is why I insist on using the word “practice”. Just like going to the gym, learning how to draw or anything that requires mastering and patience. Getting acquainted with gratitude is one of the most positive and reinvigorating spiritual activities you could possibly participate in.

Gratitude is a gift expressed

And without a doubt it can be given to someone. You might have experienced this once in your life already. Someone who you care for, someone you love is feeling a little down, feeling a little lost and the simple action of you expressing the words “thank you” with sincerity and even being specific about it, gives that person an emotional boost.

The best part about this is that it also works both ways. Expressing gratitude to someone who has brought value to your life will make you feel great too, when you stand in the realization of that special moment.

You might be reading my words today and thinking to yourself that the idea I’m sharing seems a little too simple. The truth is that I have to agree with that assessment, but that is precisely why it might be difficult to practice and very easy to ignore.

But, to be consistent and to set an example… I’ll start by thanking you all, tribe of good intent for following this blog, for always reading and sharing your thoughts with me.

Until next time…

Follow - @chbartist

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