Weekly Long Run Report - 9.42 miles completed - FASTER pace!!

Today was long run day. Saturday's are almost always long run day. Just lines up well. What day do you typically do your long run or, if not a runner, your most challenging workout?

Last week I did 8.3 mi long run so bumped it up by ~1.1 mi. Last week my pace was 5 sec/ mile SLOWER than today. So, I was thrilled to see that bit of improvement. I felt a bit sluggish at times but had no problems with asthma today so that was nice.

Pace last week was 10:02/mile,today, 9.57/mile!
My goal for the half marathon I am training for is sub 2:10.... today's pace/mile has me CLOSE!
I think I could've actually hit the pace today but I got some weird energy burst and did 4 loops around a hilly section. Good training but the course doesn't have that many hills. Good to know I can handle it though. =)

Upon completing this run, I felt pretty good, feel like I am getting to be in better shape & that's exciting. Here's a kinda neat picture of downtown frederick from the view standing next to my car after finishing the run.

That'll wrap this up. Thanks for dropping in.

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