Where Do Ideas Come From?

Ideas, most of us get them from time to time. Some of us act upon them and some don't. But the real question is where do these ideas come from in the first place?

These ideas to start a business, talk to that person, eat that food, write that article, live that life. They just poof, pop up into our heads, and we "think" and badda bing badda boom there is an idea.


Some ideas are absolutely legendary and game changing such as Steemit, EOS, and STEEM. Some ideas are small and regular, like "I should bold that line of the post" or "Wow she's attractive."

All of these ideas we experience in our lives collectively make up our existence. Sometimes they allow us to live our wildest dreams out and sometimes it cause us to get stuck in depression or regret.

And then come and they go seemingly as they please.

Even the idea to write this post came out of no where.

Then I got distracted, forgot to write it down, and then spent the next few minutes thinking what they heck was I going to write about again.


I changed the song, cleared my thoughts and then

BAM. "Write a post about where ideas come from."

What the heck, the absolute irony. The idea to write this article about "Where Do Ideas Come From?" literally poof popped into my head as an idea,

Then left.

And then came back.

This leads me to where do ideas come from?


The universe. Plain and simple.

All these randoms ideas don't come from us personally, but from the collective consciousness of the humanity and thus the universe itself.

The thought to write this article wasn't my thought. It was the universe's that happened to pop into my head for whatever reason. My vibrations at that moment just happened to be the right frequency to accept the idea.

People always say: "There are levels to this."

They aren't lying.

There are different levels of vibrations a human can attain. Just like music has a frequency, you body's vibrations has a frequency measured in Hertz (Hz).


You can raise you vibrations by meditation, eating the right foods, drinking enough water, having a positive attitude, being grateful, and helping people among many other things.

The universe gives you ideas that are matched to your frequency.

Ever heard the saying: "You won't get anything in life until you are ready." The universe only gives more and more impactful ideas once you reach the frequency levels to match them.

I have witnessed so many data points and case studies in my own life that reiterates all this, that it is illogical for me to believe otherwise.

So next time you brag like Evan Spiegel (founder of Snapchat) that Snapchat was "his idea" don't be surprised when the universe has an "idea" for how your future will look.


Thank you as always for your time and attention.

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