Student, Beach, Parties and a Great Atmosphere - My Student Life Abroad: First Two Weeks In Valencia, Spain - by chrisadventures

It feels like yesterday but it's already more than two weeks ago since I left the Netherlands and arrived here in Valencia, Spain. When I walked out of the airport I had no idea what I was starting with. It's been interesting to go out into the blue and start this new life chapter. New people, a new culture and new activities! Anyways, my time here has made me realize the world is a big place with a lot opportunities. 

Two weeks ago I left the Netherlands...

From green crowdy Holland...

To the dry less crowdy Spain!

I ended up staying at a B&B at Plaza De La Virgen in Valencia.

Catholic University at Plaza De La Virgen, Valencia

On day 3, me and a friend from the Netherlands found an amazing student house where we're living right now! This is our roof terrace:

And it's located in a very nice region called Blasco Ibañez!

We met loads of new people and we're used to hang out on the beach, play volleybal and go to parties!

The boulevard of Valencia is a nice place full of restaurants and bars. I took this picture nearby the boulevard.

Study and University

I'm studying at the Catholic University of Valencia for the coming 5 months. My subjects are Business and Administration and I will also attend a Spanish Language Course. My university actually has a catholic church inside the building!

Two days ago we had a big storm and our street was like a river. Never expected that to be possible in Spain...

There's loads of good parties around. Yesterday we went to a pool party in Ganddi, a city nearby!

Me at Ganddi Wonderwall Pool Party!

Being here has been a great experience so far. The atmosphere is great and everybody is open and social to meet new people. I'm looking forward to the coming months. I'll write more about my experiences, lessons and adventures during my study time abroad. Follow me if you're interested to read more!

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