Say YES and figure out how later - The Key To Forward Momentum


I want to share with you today a vital component to being successful.

Let's start with a quick story to make this all make sense.

So, in 2012 I enrolled into a Music Industry Arts diploma 2 yr program to learn about the music industry and recording/producing. On the first day of our Artist Management class, we all sat down in our seats and in walks the professor. Now you're sitting there expecting to hear about artist management type lecture, but this guy went a totally different direction. His first 4 words to the class were "Multiple Sources Of Income". It turns out that instead of getting a typical college professor, we ended up with a life guru who spoke some of the best and most profound life lessons to us that I've ever heard before from anyone...including multimillionaires.

The one thing that stuck with me the most apart from "Multiple Sources Of Income" was when he was talking about applying for a job a couple hours out of town, and the company HR Dept. Wants you to be there the same day in an hour. You have two options. First option, you say "Sorry, I cannot be there that fast, can we reschedule?" The second option that my guru teacher suggests is the better of the two is to come right out and say "I'll be there" and then even though it's impossible to make it on time, figure out a way to get your ass there.

In a more broad sense, that decision of pulling the trigger is probably the most important life lesson anyone could ever receive.

Often times, opportunity comes knocking and we have ourselves all tied up in life doing a million different things, so we pick option A and put off whatever that thing is, that opportunity that is asking us to stretch into a fearful place of uncertainty.

We need to teach ourselves to stop right at that moment and "Say Yes...then figure out how" that should be the default response. Jumping in first and then figuring out how to swim. Now don't confuse this trait with blindly doing stupid things that are dangerous or that go against moral stricture. We are talking about pulling the trigger on opportunity or doing something that moves you forward or takes care of something. It could even be doing the dishes as a very basic example.

This very act of saying Yes First takes care of nearly all the psychiatric issues and reservations we as humans struggle with whether you are fearful, a procrastinator, conservative etc.

The reason this thought came up in myind today and I had to share it with you all is because I just recently had this kind of thing happen, remembered what my teacher said and then said YES!

As you all know by now, I have launched my artistry career as a Singer-Songwriter. I also run a recording studio part time, and was engaged with a promoter locally for sponsoring gigs to gain exposure for the studio.

My contact had called me to ask if I wanted to sponsor a monthly acoustic showcase gig for 1 show a month for all of 2018. I later saw a Facebook post from him asking if there were any other acoustic acts interested in a slot that had reopened on May 4th for the show.

Without hesitation, I remembered that life lesson and said "I'll take it".

Now, keep in mind, I have never released any music. Heck even to this day I still need to figure out how I'm going to fill a 30 minute spot that night!

But you know what, I had to take that leap of faith and just pull the trigger. Who knows what could happen as a result of that show? All I know is that on May 4th, I will be playing my first live show as part of that series and I will have figured out a set list, practiced and prepared to go on stage.

So the next time you are in a situation where you have to decide whether or not to take hold of a potential opportunity, Say YES and figure out how toake it work after.

There's a subconscious act that takes place in your brain when you do that where your brain subliminally knows that it must figure out how to make that thing work, so it goes to work behind the scenes scheming and figuring out how it's going to make it happen!

I hope this little nugget can change your life when the next available chance to use it comes!



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