Human values: Love-looking back (ecotrain)


Human values: Love-looking back.

At the beginning of this week I posted about the human value 'Love' and it's sub values. I invited people to pick a sub value and journey with it through the week. I am curious to read how this has been for you.

I also would pick sub values to explore through the week and I promised to tell you about it.

I must say it was very interesting. Picking a sub value for a day opened me up to a world of meaning behind it.
I have chosen to see what it did if I set my intention on compassion the first day.

It felt softer inside already by merely setting the intention. I listened to my partner talking and felt more connected in love through compassion. As a result I felt more empathy and patience with what he was saying, which are two other sub values of Love.

At the end of this day I was getting some homeopathic medicine at a little shop on the street. I was helped by a friendly man, he was preparing my medicine and writing labels on them. When I was ready to pay he suddenly went down the steps towards the street and started helping a couple standing there. Asking them what they needed and chatting away while I was waiting to pay and get on with my evening. I noticed I got a little annoyed and started thinking: 'Oh ,those indians they always want to please multiple customers at the same time and letting everybody wait. Why can't they just finish helping one customer at a time?' At that exact moment the shop keeper came back up and told me that he was very sorry but that he had to help those people on the street as they were a little older and couldn't come up the stairs. I felt humbled with this lesson in compassion that the universe gave me. Now I thought: 'Oh those Indians they are always so kind and helpful to elderly people. That's beautiful! I wish I was thoughtful like that.' I waited patiently now while he was giving the couple their medicine. Again patience came in when I was aiming for compassion. It seems many of the values are linked. In the end I got to pay and time hadn't been wasted at all.

The second day that I chose a sub value of Love I chose 'human dignity.' It was something that I was in need to feel as I had been in conflict with people quite a few times lately.

This was something that I wasn't very sure of what it meant consciously. I remembered having felt dignified as a human being in the past and tried to find out what I had been feeling exactly at those times. It seemed that it meant for me to feel sovereign in my own being, while still being connected to community.

Why is it not often like that I wondered? The answer came quick and without thought:

It is because we are trying to find approval from others. We give ourselves away doing that, losing contact with the source of Love, which I believe lives in our own being. This source can give us all the Love we need without having to compromise ourselves.

That was my experience so far. I hope that it was worth it to read it to you and I hope you will share yours.
Next week I am going on with this adventure writing about the second of the human values: Truth ( Love in speech). This will also have sub values to become more familiar with so we can find our way with expressing Truth in our lives.

I hope you will stay on this adventure with me to become reacquainted with the five gems inside of you that are the human values.

Love Clara

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