Human values:Non-violence (Love in feeling)-looking back


Hi all,😊

Last week I posted about the last human value: Non-violence ( Love in feeling/understanding). Now it is time to look back at my journey that I had with it and hopefully we can also look back at your journeys with it in the comments.

This time I hadn't shared the sub-values of non-violence with you, we just would focus on non-violence it self. Maybe it is interesting to take a look at the list of sub-values now, and see which ones were present for us while exploring non-violence:

Non-violence (Love in feeling/understanding)

Appreciation of other cultures and religions,


ceiling on desires,



concern for all life,




global awareness,

good manners,



national awareness,


respect for property,

service to other,

social justice,

sustainable growth,

universal love,

unwilling to hurt 

(Sathya Sai Baba)

I think these past few days the sub-value of 'universal love' has come up for me in the sense that I was forced by circumstances to see that God/Life has its plans for everyone and on top of that everyone has free will. I found myself often frustrated when the choices the other made did not flow along with my own plans and needs. 

And I found I could not influence the way the other thought about me or understood my intention even though they were good. So after feeling very frustrated and sad for a while I came to feel that the only one always there for me is me and Life/God. And I felt that Life/God would also always be there for the other person and through that I could feel some universal Love. 

Also the sub-value of 'forgiveness' came in to view to be able to deal with all the frustration and in the light of the knowledge that everybody has free will as  we cannot make another fulfil our needs, nor would we want to although I must admit that it can sometimes be tempting ;-)

And finally the most important thing I learned the past week was that it felt most loving towards myself to stop thinking as I realised I cannot control things. So that was the most non-violent thing I was able to do for myself. Stop thinking and just breath and trust and let Life figure things out.

After bearing my soul out here I would really love to hear about your experiences in the comments if you feel like sharing.

Also as this is the very last post on Human values I'd love to hear from you one last time.

Lots of Love Clara💜

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