The ecoTrain Speaks “What is Freedom, Am I Free?” By Clara Andriessen



I think freedom for me is something that I feel instead of think. ;-)
It's being able to tune in to my inner sanctum and get guidance/nourishment from there, without having anyone or anyones ideas or even my own ideas interfering. My inner sanctum is a world without thought. The guidance or nourishment that comes from that world can be translated in to thoughts but it doesn't originate from thoughts. Because there are no thoughts, there is no judgement and without judgement I am free to experience and explore without any kind of taboe holding me back. There is complete silence there. This is the only place from which creation can come as it is sovereign and thus self fertilising. Being there or being in touch with this, to me is freedom. Things taking me away from it are over thinking, doubting, not trusting my own guidance but for some reason trading my own soul in for guidance from others and getting stuck with their ideas in my head which then form a barrier to this sacred space.
This is what happens a lot when we are kids. Our sacred space gets barred by our parents/caretakers internalised misguidance. We don't trust ourselves so much yet when we are so young as we are in a state of passive wholeness, not being able to consciously repair it when it gets compromised, we rely on others on our journey to conscious wholeness.
Our guides ideally are supposed to bring us back to our own sacred space again and again and making us aware that there lies our ability to repair ourselves when we get hurt. Sadly many of our guides don't know this themselves and as they haven't been able to repair their own hurt, give us broken advise, which when internalised then starts barring our entrance to our inner sanctum.
With age comes the ability to contemplate and evaluate and the task to unteach ourselves the misguidance that is barring that entrance. As we can't (fully) get to our inner sanctum yet, the only way to accomplish this task is to feel the longing to get back inside this inner sanctum and the hurt of the spikey/foreign guidance blocking it. The mourning and the longing will help us release what's barring our entrance.
It's not such a joyful task to be completing you might think. And yes, it is hard work, but more rewarding then anything else you will be doing, as during this journey, you will be able to feel the resonance of your inner sanctum whenever the steps you take to open the entrance are the right ones. And even only this feeling of resonance will satisfy you more then anything that seems to pleasantly distract you from the only task at hand really worth doing. I free? I have my moments when my inner sanctum is strongly resonating with the things I choose to think, feel and do and sometimes I 'm just there spontaneously for a moment, when all thoughts stop. And then...I feel free!!!

Love Clara

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