So, how can we return to a state of vibrant health? Drink a lot of pure water daily; it assists in eliminating toxins from your body. Avoid taking drugs unnecessarily, but if you must, for whatever reason, take the time to educate yourself on alternatives for that specific condition. And whilst taking your prescribed medication there are various things you can do to assist your body in ridding itself of excess toxins.
In my opinion clean, natural food is better medicine than any drug.
Lemon Drink:
Lemons are nature‘s health food. They provide our bodies with vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin,
pantothenic acid, iron, magnesium, fiber, vitamin B6, calcium, potassium, and copper. Lemons
are said to boost the immune system, aid digestion, cleanse various toxins from the body, clear
the skin, aid in weight loss, hydrate the lymphatic system and promote healing. No wonder
lemons are so popular!
Drink this healthy, warm lemon drink first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach.
• 6 lemons, with the peel
• 600ml water
• Honey (optional)
• Cut 6 lemons in half and add them to 600ml of water.
• Bring the water to a boil and let it boil for 3 minutes.
• Cool for 10 – 15 minutes.
• Strain the lemons and pulp from the water.
• Pour the hot lemon water in a teacup and add honey if you like it sweeter.
• Store the rest in the refrigerator. You can reheat it or drink it cold, as you prefer.
Here are a few ways to relieve constipation. (Keep in mind that we are all unique and our bodies react in different ways.)
1. Mint and Senna Tea
1 tbsp. senna tea leaves
½ tsp. mint leaves
Boil the leaves for one minute in a liter of water. Add a dash of vitamin C and brown sugar to taste. Sip this tea slowly throughout the day, to avoid intestinal cramping.
Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil every morning on an empty stomach to keep your
digestive tract running smoothly. Use 2 tbsp. for acute constipation.
Drinking a cup of warm water several times a day also helps relieve constipation.
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Animation By @zord189
(photos from Pixabay)
I am offering a safe and natural alternative to conventional treatment, but these recipes, ideas and treatment should not be misconstrued or substituted for medical advice. Please always proceed with caution and test it first on a small area, or in small quantities, if you are uncertain. Should you suspect that you or your animal have a medical problem, I urge you to seek professional advice.