6 Months on Steemit - Examining My Goals for Life and Steemit

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I have been posting here on Steemit frequently for nearly a month, and unfrequently for about 5-6 months. I have decided it is crucial to cover my goals for my future, and connect how they involve Steemit.

     My goal for the longest time has been to become a professional musician and composer. I have always had a passion for this art that I can't quite explain. However, as high school has come, I have realized that "making it" as a musician is a goal that a lot of people have. (Steemit helped me realize this). So I began to search for a way to gain knowledge and become better while I still have time and resources. The solution came when I did an interview at the Bryn Mawr conservatory and met Mr. Marcantonio Barone. Who is perhaps the most elite musician I have ever met. He has lived my goal, and knows what needs to be accomplished to get it, and it's not easy. I decided to study with him and a theory teacher named Mr. Andrew Desiderio to accomplish my goals four years from now, and prepare to study music in college.

[Image Source: pixabay.com, License: CCO Public Domain]   

      Another aspect of my goal is actually putting my work out there, and building a fan base. This is where Steemit comes into play. I have posted my compositions and viewed feedback, this feedback tells me that my dream is possible. However in using steemit for my music, I have realized this could possibly be the future, which has caused me to begin to try to be a productive member of "the block chain" and I think I am. I have use this account to curate content through Streemian, and @cub1 to curate through Steem Voter. I have learned that it gives me great joy to see other musicians such as @titin, or @tfeldman succeed in the same field as me, with music I enjoy. When I began to see musicians, poets, photographers, and even life bloggers succeed, it made me realize that I needed to make a goal of mine to get as much steem power as possible, to increase my curation on the people that have influenced me the most. I set my goals, and began to try to post daily to become as much as an inspirational author as I could (I intend to keep this up). I realized that the best way to become a worthwhile author is to create series, such as the AOW review, or my weekly 7 to keep curators interested. Anyway, my dad has me convinced that Steemit is the future, so what started as a get in and get reward for my music, has become a crusade, so thank you. I hope to see other people have the same realization, and I hope to see in the coming months, changes to the website that inspire more and more people to join. 

      Another important goal is that I plan to attend a college with a leading music program. I have the Curtis Institute in mind, which is tuition free, but the acceptance rate is lower than Harvard or Julliard, so it is unlikely. The plan has been to use the money earned from steemit to gain financial aid for college. I hope I don't have to, but if necessary I will. However four years is a long time, and anything can happen. 

     I hope to be a part of this community for as long as I possibly can, thank you!

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