A quick Sunday afternoon field trip to Helton Creek Falls

We decided to take the kids and grandkids on a quick Sunday afternoon field trip to Helton Creek falls. It’s been a few years since we’ve been up there but we always enjoy it. It’s a beautiful and fairly accessible place about 20-25 minutes from our house.  

The Boys Gotta eat.  

On the way we stopped by a nearby creek to have a quick picnic lunch. Kids love picnics, especially when there's watermelon  

The trail 

The trail is not too bad from the gravel road to the falls it is a modest .3 - .4 miles through some old growth forests. Now it’s not a super easy walk these are the mountains after all. That .3 miles probably takes a little over half a mile with all of the switchbacks in the trails, and it is literally uphill both ways. (you walk through a small valley)   

The Lower Falls  

The lower falls are a sloping style of falls. We used to slide down them when we were kids. We didn’t want to try that today, with the grandkids with us. We don’t want the little dare-devils trying anything.  

The Upper Falls  

The upper falls are a good bit steeper and higher. There is a nice pool that is about 6 foot up close to the falls, but the water is COLD. Which does feel good on a hot summer day. The traffic at the falls has picked up a lot over the years. I’ve been many times when I was younger and never saw another soul, it was a bit more peaceful then.  

A Bit Of History 

Helton Creek Falls has a bit of history for my family. I’ve been many times as a teen and young adult, but some of the history goes back 3 years before I was born. My parents were married in from of the falls standing out on some of the rocks. This picture was July 1973 a couple weeks after dad got out of the army.     

It is definitely a nice place to visit, as it has some exquisite scenery and some great photo opps. You should check it out if you are ever in the neighborhood.

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