Mindful Mondays ep 6 : Food consumption - from the viewpoint of slavery.

Hello and welcome to Mindful Mondays

I trust that you are ready to dive into the abyss of forbidden knowledge?

Is that a yes?

Lets get to it then!


Before we dive headfirst down the rabbit hole, ask yourself this question.

“Why do we eat?”

Now, I want you to really explore this question; to sink your teeth into it like a wolf-pack with a fresh kill.


I want you to devour this question with all you have,

“Why do we eat?”

Some of you might say we eat to sustain good health; but if that were unequivocally true, then why do we eat so many genetically modified and chemically sprayed foods?

If we were really eating for the sake of good health, wouldn’t we put a higher value on what we eat?

Many of us PRETEND that we want to sustain ourselves with a nutritional diet, yet choose to buy chemically sprayed fruit and vegetables as opposed to buying organic or growing our own gardens, which can be done with any space using permaculture.

Many of us do this simply because it is “cheaper”, but it really isn’t in the long run.

These fake foods - poisons - without any nutrition, costs us our health and longevity.

Consuming these foods causes addiction and obesity.

So why do we willingly consume poison?

What benefit does it really have on our health?

And does the human body REALLY need food AT ALL to operate and maintain its functional priorities?

Personally, I would believe that this is the case, if not for the recent rise of breatharianism

Breatharianism is a new label for an ancient practice.

It is simply the practice of sustaining oneself without food via Prana energy.

In this way, an individual can harness energy from the source of life without any need for food.

The main reason that we eat as humans is to take the energy from that food and use it to sustain ourselves.

Yet energy can clearly come from other sources...so the question is, do we eat because we have to, or because we're addicted??

The ability to sustain oneself without food is disscussed in certain spiritual circles, shows up randomly in anime, and has been mentioned in The celestine prophecy

In which, it states that as humans evolve to a higher vibrational state of being, they will be able to harness light as a way of sustaining themselves....in fact, it states they will BECOME light...their atoms will literally become less dense as the electrons spin faster and faster...which is the phenomenon of raising vibration; and they will transition into a higher density of being.

David wilcock has taken on a case study on Tibetan Rainbow body ascension, which is a practice of Tibetan Buddhism, where an individual dedicates their entire life to the goal of morphing their physical a body into a LIGHT body, and sometimes do.

160 + Tibetan and Chinese Buddhists have been recorded to have achieved this state (transcended their physical body before death) , and it is important to note that Yeshua the Christ had also achieved this state, ascending from his body into light when on the verge of death.
This is why he was perceived to have “come back from the dead.”

If one can transmute their existence into light, why would they need food?

Obviously they wouldn’t, as they have ascended from the physical world.

Yet even less extreme scenarios can attest to the same results.

If one were to meditate consistently, and take in light or prana energy, they would not need food as they would have this way to replenish themselves.


Personally, I have been in a couple situations where I could not afford food nor steal enough of it; during these times, I learnt that if I meditated consistently and eased myself in a state of love, my hunger simply dissipated.

So how did this happen?

Could the reason we eat simply be that we need the energy, and “nutrition” is really just a fairy tale as our brain produces all the chemicals into our bloodstream that our body needs?

Its an interesting thought, and very plausible...in fact the heart math institute tells us that it is our heart which sends electromagnetic frequencies to the brain telling it which chemicals to release into the bloodstream.

You can learn more on heart to braIn communication in my article on subject which you will find here

We must also wonder, Where has the ritual of fasting come from?

Does fasting increase our vibrational frequency to higher states of being?

Is this originally why it was practiced in certain sects and religions?


And if so, what does this mean when it comes to food consumption?

Surely heightened vibration is an increasing of energy....and if we can increase our energy naturally, what need do we have for food, if we can train ourselves to harness prana energy?

Does eating more mean gaining less? Does eating make us weaker?

As a warrior surviving in the wilderness, would you eat three meals a day, or would it slow you down tremendously?

Wouldn't you eat only if it was essential to your well being, and only high energy foods like freshly killed meat and earth grown vegetables?

Wouldn’t you want your intestines to shrink, so your body wouldn't need to rely on MORE than you need, so that if you didn’t find food for a while you'd be okay?

So why do we eat until we are fat, obese, creatures?

Are we not simply indulging in a pleasure that has evolved into an unconscious addiction?

As we evolve as conscious beings, is there a possibility to evolve beyond needing food by eating less now and taking in more energy, until we come to a point where we no longer need food to sustain us?

And, I also wish to ask you: what about the phenomenon of Vampirism?

What if Vampires are a real thing?

What if Vlad the impaler really did drink the blood of his fallen enemies, and what if because of this, he did not need food but could thrive off of human blood? Granting him superior human abilities than those with a regular, cooked meat diet?

[Img-cred: scott jackson]

Recently it has been revealed that the Royal family of england, specifically prince charles, is descended from Vlad the Impaler.

Perhaps the royal family has a long tradition of this practice?

Perhaps this is how they are superior and rule over us all? (the royal family is made up of 13 hidden families who run the world)

Perhaps it cannot be proved that the royal family are vampires...

Yet even so, It is a very logical conclusion that if one drank the blood of other humans they would gain strength and knowledge beyond what they can from food.

Drinking menstrual blood is even a practice known to allow the individual drinking the blood to attain great wisdom and power.

So if one were to drink blood, one could potentially eliminate the need for food, and if one can sustain thyself on prana energy, they definitely will not need any sort of food.

So why do we eat food?

My conclusion is that we eat because we are a slave race to those who TRULY control our planet....which I won’t get into in this article.

let me just say, they are not human, and if you don’t believe me, that's fine: you can do your own research and come to your own conclusion.

We are slaves on this planet and our food,


Our Air,


And much more, are being genetically modified and every fragment of our existence, every area and sector of humanity, has been inoculated with a serum too vial to contemplate...

And it has poisoned our souls into a weakened state to prevent an uprising against our “slave masters”


We have eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil....

And now they are trying to keep us from the tree of life.

But we will not succumb to the distasteful plans for our planet.

We will rise up.

We ARE rising up against these systems that have enslaved us.

And we are taking back our identity.

We do it through awareness.




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