Come out.. Come Out Whenever Youre Ready... PLEASE!!!

39 weeks... yes.. it has already been 39 weeks.. so slose to seing that new little person that will come into our lives.
Its the middle of the night now. Everyone at home is asleep. Another night that is reminding me that having a full good nights sleep is something thats not going to happen for quite a while.
The thoughts that are running through my head... the uncomfortable physical feeling right now when its hard to breathe so you sleep on about 5 pillows (literrally) so you dont feel your lungs are going to explode! When every time you want to turn over you need wake up and spend a few good seconds to get to another comfortable position this time on your right side, until youve had enough of it and then ... again on your left side! (forget about sleeping prone or on your back!), and yes, the back aches, the heartburns... but thats what it is. Just bare with it...

It is amazing what the body can do, isnt it?
Being pregnant is definitely an amazing miracle for the human body. Im not taking anything for granted but its sometimes a roller coaster.
I cant believe im already 39 weeks...
Each week you experience something new and unexpected of what your body is going through. And only YOU feel it.. as much as all your loved ones around you may seem to understand, they don't.
The terrible nauseous feeling durring the first few months... while trying to put on a 'happy face' and not being a grumpy complaining mom or wife...
The exhaustion... wow that exhaustion... that feeling of wanting to sleep all day long, but you cant- you have a family that you still need to take care of and be there for them, a job to go to and be your 100 percent.
Ahhh and of course, the sudden feeling that everything is out of your control... yes, 'the hormones', as everyone around says. They start to kick in and take control of what was usually very positive person (thats how i usually am:)) and suddenly change your state of mind!!😣.

I keep trying to tell myself that this isn't really me, its just 'the hormones' giving me a foggy picture of the real world now (you know, it actually helps! Sometimes...)
I guess Im right now in one of those foggy moments...
This is not really me right now, putting myself out there to the whole world. But as for this moment, it feels good to share it with you all. To get my mind off all the uncomfortableness and thoughts and yes, complain a bit :)

And to even get the truth out!!
Being pregnant is no picnic!!

Yes, creating a new life is beautiful and having people around saying how much being pregnant 'suits me' (what does that mean?!) And how much Im 'glowing' and look amazing. Its fun to get compliments, it really is, and Im trying to enjoy it and believe it, but its hard.
Especially when none of my clothes fit anymore, I can barely walk, put my shoes on, or even pick up something from the floor ! I literraly feel like a walking balloon thats going to pop any minute!!

Wow! Its 5 am.. thank you for the therapy! Lol! 🤗 got to get up very soon so Im out for now...
Now which a much better feeling:)
So thank you Steemit and all all of you precious steemian friends who are reading this right now :))
Have a great positive day!
(Talk about mood swings, eh?!😆)

Much luv,
Yam ❤

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