Day 17 Fulltime Steemit (That's it no more run in's no more drama from me)

Yet again I posted up something that I felt needed to be highlighted but at the same time it was not an easy decision to make.
I feel I have gotten off to a completely wrong footing on the platform. It's certainly not my intention at all to do that.

I want to say that I am not set out to rock any boats on the platform or to cause any trouble. Not at all, I saw a lot of people view my post and to those that did comment I thank you.
Even if you did not necessarily agree with what I had to say, if you felt you wanted to post it and you didn't you should have. Because whilst I had an opinion about it, I needed to hear yours also.

@awakentolife did a post in my defence as he was outraged by what he had seen, its so good to know that the friend base I am building up in the community is so supportive and understanding of each other. I want to say some last things about this before the matter is closed for good.

  • I have not taken personal offence to the comments.

  • I am accepting that DTube have the right to do what they wish with their own upvote. But I still do not agree with it. I have to let it go.

  • I figured out the freezing comment, what it was. Because I have been vlogging in a cold room with no fire lit while it's snowing outside. English speakers when they are really cold have a habit of saying I'm freezing. I would normally say this at the end of the video when I would wrap up and not long after I would say if you liked the video consider an upvote.
    The curator but 2+2 togther and got 6. Maybe it was the way I said it, maybe they don't understand English I don't know.

But just to give you an idea of what we are going through right now.

winter .jpg

We are now at 40cm and its still snowing.

I guess what I need to do is not focus on what happened, but more that what I can do help change things and bring light and emphasis on the matter. To educate people on forming opinons, making them aware that constructive criticism is better and more productive and produces better results. If I had one wish it would be that opinions should never involve prejudicial words, if there were a magic duster I would remove them in a heartbeat.
I think part of the problem is that people still don't understand the impact words can have, whether they mean to cause offence or not. It can be exactly the same as if you were being physically injured it makes no difference.

Another positive thing out of this is that I was reached out to someone who offered to help me integrate into other communities, to help me find my own voice per say. I guess the saying every cloud has a silver lining is true.

Think of me today while I brave the snow collecting firewood for the next week we're talking a lot of wood here.
If you want to see how we keep warm I made a video about it you can watch.

So as a final thought today I am going to adopt the phrase by Ellen Degeneres and say.

Be kind to each other.

The STEEM Engine


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