Amazing Home Remedy for Skin Cancer - Amazon Black Salve

"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has been arm-twisting journalists into relinquishing their reportorial independence..."
- Charles Seife, writing for Scientific American

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor, nor am I a medical professional of any kind.

Nothing that I say can be considered medical advice. The content of this article has not been evaluated by the FDA. Nothing herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I have absolutely no personal financial interest in the product I'm about to tell you of.

Now that all the disclaimers are out of the way,

I'm going to share my personal opinions an experience with you in the hope of helping anyone else who may be dealing with skin cancer.

Basal-Cell Carcinoma

Basal-Cell Carcinoma (Stock photo - Not me)
By James Heilman, MD CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Generally, I "don't do doctors"...

So I must tell you that the spot of cancer that appeared on my cheek sometime in 2014 was never "officially" diagnosed as cancer, nor was it biopsied. However, its appearance and behavior matched everything I could learn or read about basal-cell carcinoma. The most frustrating thing was that, whatever it may have been, it simply refused to heal.

In all my past history,

if I've had a cut or bruise or blister or irritation anywhere on my skin, it always healed on its own. With nothing more than a good cleaning and perhaps some antiseptic like iodine or hydrogen peroxide, previous sores just "went away" in what seemed to me to be the normal course of life.

This sore was different. It itched, and fluids would seep out. It refused to scab over and heal. I began doing more reading, asking questions, and researching what I might do about it.

I tried several options.

I've been partial to natural remedies for almost as long as I can remember. So I did internet searches, asked questions here and there, and tried one thing after another. I tried applying castor oil topically, without success. Later I heard of good results with Frankincense, which seemed to improve matters but did not completely heal nor halt the spread of the sore.

I eventually found a better option, vitamin C.

Using vitamin C to treat the spot was a tip I had gotten from Cancer Tutor is an excellent website containing a huge amount of wisdom, freely available, for fighting all types of cancers.

I bought some "Buffered Vitamin C Powder" from the Life Extension Foundation and, mixed with a little water, began applying it to the spot. I used bits of cotton and a small bandage to keep the spot wet with the vitamin C for long periods of time. After later letting it dry out, it would eventually scab over and heal, leaving a flat, shiny, thin-skin, somewhat circular crater.


Original photo by @creatr - Zoomed-In photo from August, 2016

This image is from August of 2016.

Unfortunately, I can't find a good "close-up" of the scarred area, but it was more or less a "crater" on my face with paper-thin, flat, glossy scar tissue covering what was about a three or four millimeter circular area.

I continued to hope and pray for something better.

I wanted something more permanent, and something that would really heal and restore the skin. After each thorough treatment with the vitamin C, the sore would stabilize for up to a year at a time. However, after about a year passed, it would start to break out again around the edges. I'd treat it again with the vitamin C, and it would scab over for another long period of time.

About a month ago, I tried a new approach.

I had learned of a different option, once again via the Cancer Tutor website. I purchased some "Amazon Black Topical Salve" from Herb Healers. This product is also known as "Casema" from Alpha Omega Labs.

There is apparently a considerable history of this company having been persecuted by the U.S. federal government Food and Drug Administration. I don't find this too surprising, because (in my humble opinion) Casema is a product that is a real, effective, and functional cure for skin cancer. The FDA of course, exists to prevent the effective treatment of disease, and to keep Americans sick and dependent upon the Medical/Industrial Complex.

Amazon Black Topical Salve

Amazon Black Topical Salve
Original photo by @creatr

I can scarcely begin to tell you how pleased I am!

The results of using the Amazon Black Salve are nothing short of remarkable. I followed the directions available on this web page (<- click the link if you wish to read them). If you, or someone you love, is trying to deal with skin cancer, I can't recommend this product enough.

A thick, black, tar-like, sweet-smelling paste...

A thick, black, tar-like, sweet-smelling paste...
Original photo by @creatr

The paste in the jar is a shiny black.

It is very thick, and not at all transparent when placed on the skin. I applied a patch about the size of a dime, or a little smaller, two days in a row, washing it off in between.

The initial reaction was very quick. Just as the instructions described, within a day or two, an eschar formed where the cancer had been killed. The surrounding skin became irritated and reddened, but was not otherwise damaged.

Once the salve killed the cancer, my skin was able to begin truly healing on its own.

During the process, my face was quite unsightly so I kept the area covered with a small round bandage. I would change the dressing once or twice a day, washing the area and also using some petroleum jelly to prevent a hard scab from forming prematurely.

After a couple of weeks,

the eschar came out and was discarded. This left raw, re-growing flesh in the space below where the eschar had been. I kept it clean with 3% hydrogen peroxide, changing the dressing at least daily. I also continued using petroleum jelly to allow the skin to grow back from the inside out.

As new skin began to form, I began applying vitamin E to help minimize scarring.

Hallelujah! I thank Jesus for this remedy!

Unlike my experience with a vitamin C solution, this time the skin has grown back in much more completely. It is solid, rugged, new skin that has filled in the void where there was once a "crater lake" of thin, shiny skin. As you can see in the photo below, the area is still a little red and puckered, but it is sound, solid flesh, and really looks much better than before.

Sound Skin Restored!

Sound Skin Restored!
Original photo by @creatr - Zoomed-In photo from April, 2017

I must say that I am delighted with the results.

After several years of floundering around with approaches that provided marginal results, I now can see that I am on the right track for a complete recovery. And I also have a "solid recommendation" for others, based on my own personal experience. And should I have any other instance of skin cancer appear, I know exactly what to use on it, and how to use it.

Do you struggle with skin cancer?

Does someone you love have skin cancer? This Amazon Black Salve is "da bomb" when it comes to dealing with this fairly common skin issue. It reputedly has also been used effectively against breast cancer. And, unbelievably, the "entry" price is about 25 bucks... Compared to "medical professional" charges of ~$500 to ~$1500 or more!

I look forward to your questions.

Please respond by clicking on the "Reply" link at the bottom of this article.


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