Be Mindful and Kind To Your Favorite Authors

"Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality." - Robin S. Sharma

Not everyone uses 'bots on Steemit.

I'm a manual curator myself.

If you are as well, I'm here today to remind you that since Hard Fork 17, you have a golden opportunity.

Have been overlooking it?

Be kind to your Steemit friends!

Be kind to your Steemit friends!
Photo courtesy of Larm Rmah and

Steemit is weighted towards the present moment.

An author on Steemit is only as good as his latest post.

If you're like me, you aren't sitting there staring at your feed 24/7. You have a life to live, and real-world responsibilities. But you do look at the feed once in a while, and even if you are following 500 people, you spot one of your favorites from time to time. You may read an article, or you may just sling a vote their way.

Next time you read and up vote your favorite author,

why not go the extra mile? Take a minute to visit their blog. See if you've missed any of their brilliant articles.

Even if you don't have time right now to stop and read, give your author a much-needed up vote. Increase their payout. When you have time later, go back to read and comment.

Since HF17, you now have a week to affect payouts.

Take advantage of that time window. Maybe you're systematic. Maybe, like me, you need to be! Make yourself a "clickable list" of the blog addresses of your favorite Steemit content creators. Once or twice a week, click your way through the list and up vote the authors you would most like to stay here on Steemit.

Not only will they be grateful, you'll be rewarded as well.
You'll get to keep coming back for the best available content anywhere.

Steem on!

And help your favorite authors to do the same.


Thanks for your time and attention.
You are why I'm here on Steemit!
I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about them all.

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