I'm Not Asking You To Believe

As I'm long overdue for a religious/philosophical rant, here it is...

I know I can't change your religious beliefs. I get that! I have known that for a long time.

But consider for a minute: Why are we here on Steemit?

Why do we bother to write, or to read one another's articles, if not to "cross-pollinate," if not to learn a thing or two from one another?

What Do You Allow In The Cathedral of Your Mind?

What Do You Allow In The Cathedral of Your Mind?
Photo courtesy of Tung Wong and http://unsplash.com

What are you afraid of?

I know that you are a thinker. None of us are automatons. We all like to think for ourselves.

I am a religious person. I've told you that I believe that Jesus is the God Who created this universe. I was raised that way, but (like many others before me) I might have, I could have walked away. I've certainly rejected a lot of the trappings and baggage of "organized religion."

You may not be religious. Maybe you never were, or maybe you rejected what your parents taught you. Maybe you think your reasons for not believing are good ones, and maybe they are. I'm not asking you to believe what I believe.

But, how do we learn new things?

Isn't it by interacting with other people? Isn't it by being exposed to new (to us) ideas? If so, then why not expose yourself to new information? Why not re-evaluate old information that you may have set aside, perhaps for the wrong reasons?

Don't you want to know the truth?

I'm sure that, at some level, you do. Don't you want to always allow yourself the opportunity to change for the better? Look, you're a reader, right? You are, after all, reading this and other content here on Steemit.

Is Christianity Just Another Religion?

Is Christianity Just Another Religion?
Photo courtesy of Tom Skarbek-Wazynski and http://unsplash.com

So, I invite you to read a short book.

It's about the length of a child's "chapter-book;" somewhere between 15,000 and 16,000 words. The book is quite ancient (almost 2000 years old), an eyewitness account of the very extraordinary life of one man.

Some have claimed that it is a work of fiction, but (in my humble opinion) there is just too much corroborating evidence pointing to its factual nature.

Does Life Have Any Ultimate Meaning?

Does Life Have Any Ultimate Meaning?
Photo courtesy of Stefan Kunze and http://unsplash.com

The book itself purports to be an historical account.

Taken at face value, it is an engaging story, told by a contemporary of Jesus. The book is primarily about a rather short, but very significant, chapter in the life of Jesus.

The account contains some outrageous claims about certain events that the writer observed. The book insists not only that these events took place, but that Jesus made incredible claims about himself, such as the claim that he was God.

The book also includes a fascinating account of Jesus bringing an already rotting human corpse back to life. When was the last time you heard of that happening?

What's that? You say you don't believe in "miracles?" Look around you for a minute! If an author from 2000 years ago were dropped into the present day, most of what we do would appear miraculous, would it not? So, why prejudge without reading? Why not give the book a chance?

You May Just Be Surprised...

You May Just Be Surprised...
Photo courtesy of Ben White and http://unsplash.com

If you haven't read it lately,

or (especially!) if you've never read it at all, What do you have to loose? You may just be surprised. It is a really interesting story.

The story involves events and incidents that appear magical, but were witnessed by hundreds. It is filled with intrigue, compassion, betrayal, and murder. It features fascinating characters, from lowly hookers to governors to kings. Some have even called it "The Greatest Story Ever Told."

I am, of course, referring to what is commonly called "The Gospel of John."

Don't let the archaic title put you off... In fact, the book itself doesn't claim to be written by John, but rather by "the disciple whom Jesus loved." And the word "Gospel?" Simply an archaic term that we might render "damn good news!" And, what if it's all true? How might that change your outlook?

Couldn't you use a little "good news" in your life about now?

I know I sure could. So, treat the book as fiction if you like, but read it. Read it as a good bed-time story. See what you think.

I have found it to be powerful and life-changing. Your mileage may vary; but why not give it a go? I think you'll be glad you did, and when you do, I'd love to hear your reaction.

Recommendations for Readers

If you don't have a copy of the bible around the house, you can read The Gospel of John online.

Go HERE to BibleGateway, select the "Page Options" icon (⚙️) and de-select everything - i.e. uncheck FOOTNOTES, CROSS REFERENCES, VERSE NUMBERS, HEADINGS, RED LETTER. Then right-click on the "Printer" icon (🖨️) and Open in new window for each of 21 chapters. This will provide you with a good, uncluttered reading experience.

Thanks for your time and attention.

I'm here on Steemit because of you, my readers. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you!

This post is intended to count towards @dragosroua's Challenge30.

I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about all of them.
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