I Try Not To Waste My Time - A Short Rant About Politics

"People ask me where I get my jokes. I just watch Congress and report the facts." - Will Rogers

Politics is worse than a bad joke.

I'm overdue for a rant, so here we go...

The State Is An Evil Beast

The State Is An Evil Beast
Photo courtesy of Emmad Mazhari and http://unsplash.com

I abandoned politics completely about five years ago.

I'm getting older, now in my "declining sixties." Like almost everyone, for most of my life I was caught up in politics. I was kept busy and sometimes frothing at the mouth, following this candidate or that.

I used to thrill to the news, watching power see-saw back and forth between Donkeys and Elephants, Republicans and Democrats, Left and Right, Conservative and Liberal. I considered myself a "principled voter," choosing to vote for candidates rather than parties.

As the years passed,

I came to see that they were really Democans and Republicrats, Donkants and Elephkeys, Six-Of-One and Half-A-Dozen-Of-The-Other. I began to understand that they are all simply cosmetically different faces and heads of the Beast of Revelation, a.k.a. "the state," an oppressive, violent, coercive enemy of all that is good and true and right. The corrupt state that conquers by dividing its people into two camps — any two — that endlessly battle one another rather than their true enemy.

Now, to the greatest extent possible,

I ignore the state in favor of spending my time on positive, constructive, creative endeavors that bring authentic value and blessing to the world. To hell with the state (quite literally). I will let it fall into its own snares, collapse under its own weight, devour its own Ouroberosian tail. I will be busy about my Father's business of blessing the world, not condemning it.

I intend, Jesus-God willing, to spend my remaining days inventing and designing and creating things of genuine value to real people in the world. Things that will help people with their health and well being. Things that are true blessings with life changing results.

The State Is An Evil Beast

The State Is An Evil Beast
Photo courtesy of Andrés Medina and http://unsplash.com

By its fundamental nature,

the state is a destroyer. It accomplishes its ends at the point of a gun. It enforces its will with violence. Men of good will need to recognize this fact and withdraw their support, in every possible way. Withdraw taxes. Withdraw votes. Withdraw belief. Just withdraw.

Begin using all that wasted time and energy for good.

The state is a smoke and mirrors deception, a carefully crafted illusion that will suck the life out of you. Wouldn't you rather live for something better?


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