My Great, 😱Secret Fear😨

I have a secret fear that at times plagues me.

"He has not learned the lesson of life who does not every day surmount a fear."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every time I watch a TV show or movie in which someone is bound and gagged, I wonder...

Gagged... Would I survive?

Gagged... Would I survive?
Photo by Elvert Barnes - CC BY 2.0 -

Would I survive such an episdode?

Were such a thing to happen to me, I fear I would not survive.

Why am I afraid of being gagged?

For all my life, I've had difficulty breathing through my nose. Maybe it's alergies. Maybe it's just day and night cycles. There are times when my nasal passages are open and I can breath freely. Most of the time, though, not so much.

Right now, as I type this story about my fear, my sinuses are plugged up. Hardly any air at all is able to pass through. If I were not free to breathe through my mouth right now, I would likely suffocate.

I'm sure I have an overactive imagination,

but I wonder how I would fare in a hostage situation? You know; the bad guys capture me, tie me up, and gag me. Do you think they would even bother listening if I tried to tell them I can't breathe through my nose?

They're bad guys, remember? They don't care about me... So what if I can't breathe? One less hostage to deal with.

And so my imagination goes... Most of the time, I just try not to think about it. But then, in the dead of night I wake up struggling to inhale... and I wonder?


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