How our behavior changes when we have to do something to someone, according to what we will gain in return.

This week i experienced something that made me think of how we choose our attitudes. When it comes to do something for a person that you know, there are many factors that can guide you in your decision making, how you will do and how you will prioritize this in your life.

Generally we live in a way that we had a formed routine, especially when we work full time. Of course it is difficult to add new tasks for a short routine that already is fully progam.

When someone asks for a favor, you can act in order not to prioritize that was asked to you. Because the fact of making free, makes less valuable the request for you to add into your routine. But when we win something to do that favor,  we tend to treat more seriously the request. I will explain to you my experience;

The favor

A friend of mine from work asked me to extract an audio from a DVD that he had to convert the songs to MP3 and add the songs in a pen drive, so they could hear them in the car, or on TV. It turns out that this friend does not have the necessary knowledge to do this task, which is simple.

For me it's something very simple to do, but in my routine I have little free time during the week, which makes it difficult to do anything different this routine. And he wanted me to do from one day to the other. 

Now I want to explain how I reacted when the favor was free, and when the favor would a cash reward;

The favor for free

As i said before, when someone asks us to do something, usually we tend to give less priority when we have little time and when this favor is for free. So when he asked me to do that, what went through my mind is that i even could do, but it would be the in the day i wanted and when i had time available, it would be at the weekend.

I accepted, but with little interest and little desire. I considered a boring task to add to my routine because I wanted to rest and have fun, even if it is something simple to do.

The favor for money

At that moment everything changed. He wanted the work done on the same day, then to make that happen, he offered me a sum of money for the work. Starting that moment I changed completely because now I needed to do, after all I was being paid, and would have to do well.

The simples and boring task has become a simple and boring task that needed to be done, after all she "had gained value."


In the end I would do the task, after all it was a favor for a friend. But mind you, when he would not offer anything, the favor was considered unimportant, I could postpone and do when I wanted to. But starting the moment he offered me money, a contract was created, and a responsibility was established. I needed to do at the time he wanted, even considering difficult for the little time I have.

How does this relate to steemit

Imagine that you are a writer, but you're living in favor stage of something that are made for free, as I defined.

You have little time to use the steemit in your routine. Then see what happens over time. Each new post that you make, if she did not pay any money or little money, the tendency is you consider that this is a waste of your time. You feel that you are doing something for free, as I felt at the time to do the favor.

Over time, this feeling makes you stop using the platform. And I believe this is one of the main reasons why people tend to leave the platform. They feel that they are doing something for free, they think that they are not favored when compared with people who are successful in steemit.

The opposite is also true. When people start to post and be successful, managing to transform texts in cash they begin to create responsibilities within the platform, and tend to want to grow and write useful things for people to read.

To finish

These social contracts that exist in the relationship between people, both in the real as much as in virtual, really need to be taken more serious.

What we do, for whom we do and how we do will depend on what we will gain in return. After all this is the base that moves everything in this world. People do not are on the steemit because they like to write or like the platform. They are simply reacting in different ways with a new and revolutionary way to make money on texts.

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