If You Believe In Billionaires & Wish To Become One, Then It's Time To CHANGE -- Amplify Your Dreams & Take Risks ...!!


All the big people you hear about, you know like Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, they are no different than you're. 

70% of World Billionaires are self-made, so you can be too. Of course, it's not gonna be easy. It's not like you wake up on Monday and become rich on Tuesday. But it doesn't take any more effort than going for a job you hate. 

All have to do is think and believe in your heart that you'll achieve. But, unfortunately that's not true. A lot of people who think wonderful, great thoughts. They believe that ''I deserve this and I can have this''. But they don't do one thing, and this is what causes their problem. They don't take consistent action everyday. 

Most people aren't willing to commit to switching from what's comfortable to what's not, long enough for the new to be comfortable. Sometimes people ask from the millionaires that why are they not stereotypical as some people are, why aren't they abused as their parents are very abusive. The answer to all those people's questions is -- They made a choice, that's it. They made a choice that they didn't want to be that. There's nothing special about them. Things just happened and all because of one choice. So, If you think you're going through the bad situations, your life is going into one direction, then all you have to do is just make one different choice. Just one, and see where it goes then.

Anything we want to achieve starts in your mind first, then we get our bodies to move into action to create. I believe our lives are controlled by only one force, DECISIONS. I believe there are forces above than us, call it GOD, LORD, but I also believe that IT gives us choices. And the decisions we make, controls us much more than the conditions we meet. It's your decisions in the end which makes all the difference. 

If you're at this point in life that you have lost your job, or you're just out of high school or college, go talk to your senior citizens to know what they really regret about their lives. Their answer would not definitely be the things they failed at, but the things they didn't try. It's the regret of ''Why didn't I?'' 


It's your life and no one is gonna change it for you. You shouldn't get affected by the what people are saying about you. But you have to take decisions. Remember this, In order to be successful at anything, it has to be what you truly love. Because if you don't love it and you ain't willing to die for it, then don't do it. Sometimes you have to do some menial jobs, like selling papers, writing stuff, cleaning dishes, to reach where you want to be. But its okay, do it with pride. But at the same time, do not let any job you do, kill your dreams. Because the only thing which can make you feel alive is your dream.

Don't let anybody steer you away from where you wanna be. Not your parents, not your teachers, not your relatives and not your friends. If you have a passion and you feel confident that you can do it, then go after it. To hell with everybody else. It's your life. You have tools and resources. Wake up every day knowing that you have an opportunity that most people in life do not. 

Thanks for reading. 

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