Luck Vs Hard Work -- A Never Ending Debate With No Fixed Outcome ..!


Luck, always been a mystery to the World. Even the most capable researchers haven't been able to find the best definition of it. Having been a mystery since the ages, luck has always been a huge fan following. Billions of people nowadays believe in luck wholeheartedly and they even encourage others to believe in it too. So, why is it? What is luck in the first place?

The definition of Luck by Google goes something like this -- Success or failure as a result of chance rather than your own actions.

So, basically what is the meaning of luck is - There are chances which makes you successful or unsuccessful irrespective how hard you have worked for anything. There is some invisible force connected with your life which may turn your life anywhere it may find worthy. It doesn't care about the hard work you have put into something or how useless you were before luck struck you and now you're millionaire out of a sudden.

This goes beyond the fundamental principles of life. It's very complicated too, highly illogical I would say.

Now let's talk about the hard work. Well, everyone knows about it. Every passionate person could relate to it easily because every passionate person who has some goals to achieve, has bound to do lots of it. It defines his goals. Hard work defines his life and as result he gets the success he always desired in the end.

Now let's take a look on the Google definition of hard work - a great deal of effort and endurance towards a common goal. 

So, the meaning of hard work is going great lengths by putting a lot of efforts and maintain a great deal of endurance to achieve common objective. It is needed for sure if you have a goal to achieve. 

I believe Hard work is the real thing in this world. We talk about the only things which we can see or feel. We don't believe which we can't see, observe or feel. Let's take an example of ghosts. We can't see ghosts so we don't believe in them, although there are various studies or researches have been conducted on the existence of Ghosts/Spirits and some of them proves that Ghosts exists, but still we deny to believe them. The reason is we haven't seen them or felt them. 

Same is the case of Luck. No one has even seen it, no one has ever worked for it, no one has ever felt it still it has billions of believers while hard work is a real thing. Everyone can do it, everyone can feel it, everyone can get results from it but still, a lot of people clings on luck for their growth or survival. 


I don't believe in luck. Because it is a complete gamble. Like a lottery, you have only 1% chance to win what you have staked on it and 99% chances of failing. So, any wise man who have enough understanding to live a life would always avoid his belief in luck. Luck doesn't exist. Until you get your butt off from your sofa and do some efforts, you can't achieve anything. World will never come to your house and deliver the things, you desire, in your lap.

If you want something to happen, then you should go and do it on your own. Luck won't do it for you. I have heard this saying somewhere, although I don't remember the source. It goes something like this -- "Luck only favors those who have an intrinsic passion to win."

So until and unless you're willing to do some hard work, you can say goodbye to your luck too. 

There's only one way to success and that way goes within yourself. All you have to do is recognise it and work for it. Believe in hard work and forget the luck.

Thanks for reading.

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