SoCalSteemit: First San Diego Meetup, Old Town U.S.A!

A Place To Harbor Friends!

How is everyone on this nice day? Edgar Alan Poe once wrote all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream. Steemit is something of the sort. Being a part of @socalsteemit means reaching out and collaborating with those around you. @Mariannewest, residing in the southern most portion of California was kind enough to attend @socalsteemit's meetup in Riverside and was set on really expanding the southern California Steemit community. She decided to host a meetup for all the Steemians residing near San Diego, and I was there!

I headed out from San Bernardino and drove the 100+ miles it would take to get to the meetup.

When I reached the city of Temecula, the entire freeway was stopped due to an accident that closed off all but one lane. I sat and sat for around an hour, barely moving. After some time I finally reached the end of the traffic and the freeway opened up.

Once near the arch overpass, the gateway to San Diego, I knew it wasn't long until I was meeting other steemians.

The meetup location was right off the 5 freeway in what is known as Old Town San Diego. In all my years residing in Southern California I had never been to Old Town and was I surprised at what was around. The buildings were strait out of the old west, but very well maintained. The flagpole at the center of a grassy area was the visible icon the others would be near.

Past the flagpole was the meeting table where other socalsteemians were residing. Although I was on time, others had shown up early.

There were snacks present for everyone to enjoy as well as a large poster board with ideas of how to better the San Diego Steemit meetups.

There was also a sign in sheet for everyone, so that we all knew each others handles as well as real names. Name tags also helped identify everyone. My long tedious username was in small print so everyone had questions.

Over time others joined the group, and once everyone was present we start our introductions. Everyone presented themselves and how they started on Steemit. I was honestly blown away by the new people and really enjoyed the groups personalities. Everyone from all walks of life and all different places. The turnout was much larger than I expected, and that's a great thing! After the introductions we all took a group photo and convened to meet each other one on one.

I can never take a serious photo at all. @dawg-boy had a little Dotson that was the cutest little thing. He kept wandering around trying to get a bite of any food morsels he could get. Often wandering off only for him to be recovered. Such a happy old man.

While we were meeting each other a small group of people from Suriname were in the U.S. for the Social Media Marketing World convention that had occurred a few days prior. They had heard about the Steemit meeting and showed up. How awesome is that?! Meeting people from South America utilizing the same blockchain technology we were is definitely bringing the Steemit community together. I was delighted and happy to have met them.

After chatting a bit with everyone, contemplating our next move about a meeting, I decided to depart and travel the 100+ miles back home. Nothing was set in stone, just a lot of very fun ideas so I figured we could connect on discord for the fine tuning. I am absolutely excited that I could be social as an adult and meet new people from all walks of life. I cant thank @mariannewest enough for hosting such a fun meeting and cant wait for the next meetup! Here is a list of all the members that attended, please check out their posts for interesting and quality content. Thank you for taking the time to read this post.


All photos, unless otherwise stated or sourced, were taken by @csusbgeochem1. Animation and cover photo created by @csusbgeochem1 using GIMP.

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