Word of the day “Dream” - I Don’t Often Remember But When I Do It’s Profound


What is a dream? Where do these peculiar images in my head come from? Why don’t they make any sense? All I really know is I don’t remember them most of the time and when I do they are fairly profound leaving me wondering where did that come from?

I am a man of faith but not in the typical sense. I believe in something greater then myself yet I cannot put a name to it. I lean towards the spiritual/energy view of the subject with many reservations associated with orthodox religion relative to all the evil things done in the name of “god”. What does this have to do with dreaming?

I had an “interesting” dream last night, if you are like me and believe in more of a spiritual energy reality then you will share in my intrigue.

I was “god” or maybe just my higher self looking down on the world, at least I was looking down upon myself and the events going on around me. I could see how every event in life is carefully orchestrated for either my benefit or downfall only to lead me back to the benefit. I knew ultimately the decision was up to the physical me but the path was largely predetermined in the same way we drive roads, choose our path but the final destination is known thus we would not be driving in the first place. I had some form of freewill but even those choices were accounted for with ulterior plans and situations set in play keeping me from diverting from the chosen path shall I make the “wrong” decision. The big take away from this dream is that nothing I did could divert me from the path rather it just makes the journey a little bumpier like taking a shortcut through the back country on my way to work in the image above. Analysis of that a little further, my poor choices are the reason my life is so difficult.

It was apparent looking down upon the world that if I only opened up to the energy at play in my life these “poor choices” would not seem as if they are even an option. You know that gut feeling you get when not agreeing with your own actions, regret and realization of future resentments. Where does that gut feeling come from? In my dream the feeling came from the higher me watching over the reality me, it was the thoughts I was having from the grand perspective as life was unfolding yet there was no surprise. I knew exactly what was going to take place how it was going to unfold and powerless to stop it but I could orchestrate events further into the future correcting the path. The gut feeling was more cognitive programming for realization of those future events, “if you see -blank- happen feel this way and think the opposite of last time” kind of idea.

The events in my dream were not of a good nature, I could see other things with people in my life unfolding simultaneously. It was almost a lifetime in a blink of an eye type dream, the one thing that stood out I would consider a defining moment in my life. That moment orchestrated by the higher me seemingly long before I had even met the people in reality involved in that moment. I could see how all the choices I made led me to a final concluding moment from which moving forward all my ulterior paths became one.

That moment was the loss of my best buddy Tristan Watterworth. Somehow from the grand perspective I knew he would be leaving soon, I did not know when or how but only how it would affect me. I could see how if I was not aimed in the right direction through life his passing would have been my downfall. I could see how it would lengthen my corrective path by years largely undoing many parts of my higher selfs orchestration making for a very bumpy road from that point on.

If I knew it was going to happen and I could not stop it then I would say it must be used to learn and grow from. Tristan would be proud to make that significant of an impact on my life ultimately leading to everything I have done on Steemit. Apply this thought of grand perspective to his life, if his higher self knew he was leaving and seen how it would affect others in his life was the event orchestrated to help others? Was that the purpose of his life and ultimately death, corrective measures for others paths? The higher me didn’t think of death in the sense we do from this physical existence, it was more a release of the shackles of life into the realm of infinite possibilities.

My take away, our actions and life events transcend what we know of reality through our limited perspective. We live in the third dimension but consciousness operates from the fourth and yet there is still something higher viewing from a point where the events in life are meaningless yet have profound suggestions towards impacting paths. Everything I do will lead me back to where I was meant to be with everything happening along the way being necessary.

If it was not for that moment I would not be here writing now. I would not have found how therapeutic writing is for me. I would not have aimed my life at helping others. I would have missed the events within the crypto space which caught my attention leading me to Steemit. I would not have been able to handle many of the events that came shortly after.

All I can say is this dream helped me to realize how that moment defines me as a human, I will give till exhaustion. I will give people the benefit of the doubt. I will never give up!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!!!

Thats it @d00k13 OUT

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