Something You Did NOT Know About Me - Surprise Number 1

I have a past life. Long long ago, it seems in a galaxy far away, I did things... I was things...

When my wife and I met I was a hair stylist. Yep, a real professional... well, a budding professional anyway. I went to Beauty School and did NOT drop out! Actually it was a lot of fun. Cutting and coloring hair was my favorite two activities at that time in my life.


This skill has not been used professionally for a very long time, but I still get to use my $500 cutting shears when my family needs a new doo! Here you see my 17 year old son getting the blond getting cut out. He is ready for a new look. I'm honored that my kids trust me and actually want me to do their haircuts.


Homesteading is my main focus, but there are things from the past that are still useful now! Have a great day!! Tip your stylist well 😎

My 5 Most Recent Posts

*for your upvoting pleasure*

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daddykirbs blogThe Best YouTube VLOGGING Camera? - Stepping up my game
daddykirbs blogPlease Welcome My Helper, My Friend - She Has So Much To OFFER!
daddykirbs blogCan Bees Sting Through Nitrile Gloves? - Beekeeping Adventures!
daddykirbs blogHappy 4th! Introducing our new KITTY CAT! 🐱
daddykirbs blogBeekeeping - Mowing the Field While Suited Up!!


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