Today I went for a long walk, so I need to split my photos to couple of posts.
The first interesting creature, was a dog, running in Victoria park.
It wasn't easy to catch this playing with birds animal, it start to lick my camera's belt :D
Behind a corner, there is bikes shop...Vespa :) Traditional British Skinhead's scooter...
It wasn't made in 1969, but much better than modern ones.
There was little bit windy, so somebody, lost his umbrella.
Than I went to Union street, There is old building "Dance Academy" There you can see it's story.
It's full of interesting details.
Even Spanish solders...
Unfortunately, actually, there is a help center for homeless.
The last interesting thing at Union Street is Octagon, place full of abandoned clubs and kebabs.... ( Yes, squeeze some ketchup on your head :D )
Next part tomorrow, if I'll find a spare time, thank you for watching.
PL Moja relacja ze spaceru z aparatem po okolicy, narobiła się zdjęć masa, wiec muszę podzielić na kilka części, opis w języku angielskim, uważam za wystarczający ( jestem leniwy i się tego nie wstydzę...)
Dziękuje za uwagę, wszystkim oglądającym i proszę o uwagi co do zdjęć.