I went to the provincial hospital today accompanied by my father and younger brother, I took an MRI scan upon the recommendation of a spine doctor, referred by a former classmate who is now a surgeon, 2 weeks ago. I paid for it with accumulated $400 plus worth of powered down Steem converted to cash. It was costly because it involved scanning my chest, back and lumbar area. The process took 4 arduous hours.
I have already mentioned about my ailment and the reason for Steem power down in my old post.
What's it like taking an MRI scan?
Well, for the first hour it was not so bad. You are lying down strapped to a bed which is then inserted into a machine that hums, buzzes and vibrates gently around you.
Don't ever believe that movie scene where a character gets an MRI scan in a brightly lighted room. The room is lights off while the machine does its thing and the medical technician operates it from another room. You are all alone!
The subsequent hours are light agony. I feel like Anakin Skywalker being slowly transformed into Darth Vader if I keep thinking negative thoughts!

Sadly, I can't post pics of me lying down as everything with metallic parts are not allowed in the room because of its magnetic field. I keep involuntarily fidgeting my hips a little while being scanned. The cold loneliness was over-powering. I was praying for it to end soon. I knew my mother was at home crying and praying at for the results to be not so serious. She gotta take care of my brother and sister's kids while they are at work.
There's also the issue of being not able to scratch when you are feeling itchy because you are strapped down.
Thankfully, I endured it all and was informed I'd get the results in 2 or 3 days as I'm not the only patient using that busy machine that services a few provinces.
I hope I'm gonna be alright and it is treatable within my financial means.

Follow me as @darthnava: "Please help me replenish my Steem Power by upvoting."