Want To Help? Donate To Free A Man From His Pain, Help Love Story End Without Pain


This is a message to go out to all my followers to try to help a man named Brian Courteau. He has terminal cancer and is living out his last days in Mexico with his true love @lynncoyle1. Both of them are fantastic people, and I like many, have found their love story both sad and beautiful at the same time.

For an idea of what they are going through, here is @lynncoyle1's last post click here



The situation

I made contact with @briancourteau last night. He has run out of money for his meds. He is trying to sell 50 sbds ($150) to get enough to cover the medicine needed to help him with his seizures. He made a plea not to ask for money, but to ask how to expedite the selling of sbds for money he could use for medicines.

I actually am in need a few prescriptions and wanted to withdraw what i have in savings. The rest i will give to lynn. I am on a crappy pension and honestly need the meds more to make life bareable even if temperary. I have the prayer already from lynn as she sent it to me. Thank you

I don't want him to wait

So here is what I plan on doing. And if any of you want to help, then I'm sure Brian and Lynn would also appreciate it.

I am going to write this post and see how much we can raise from steemit in either upvotes or outright donations of steem/sbds. Whatever I receive from the post and donations will be converted by me into usd's (up to the US$150) and be sent to him via paypal tonight. Anything over the $150 will be send directly to Brian in the form it is received.

I want him to have the medicines he needs now. To me every day is important!

He will get the money either way

I have no idea whether people will respond or not to this post and I don't want Brian to be in limbo. This one is not a game, it is real life. I will backstop the whole thing and make sure that he receives the $150 tonight even if no one responds.

I also want to note that Brian (or Lynn) did not ask for a donation. I am the one asking on their behalf.

He still needs help with a steem trading account

My plan today will solve the problem for today, but if someone can help him set up a steem account so that he can convert in the future, that would also be appreciated. I don't know how to do that as I haven't sold anything and haven't had the need.

If you want to contribute

If you plan on upvoting, then that's easy. If you want to donate either steem or sbds, then please put "For Brian" in the memo to me so that I can track it. I want to make sure to get him every penny, so please don't forget that.

Does anyone want to help?

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