New Coffee Routine or How I'm Going To Save A Grand A Year


I'm a major coffee drinker.

Not a serious coffee drinker - I usually drink Dunkin Donut's cold brew and other crap - but a major coffee drinker. The distinction, in my mind, is that I'm not snooty about coffee

I just need coffee to feel alive every morning, like a crackhead needs his crack.

Until yesterday my routine was a medium to large DD cold brew every morning. Problems with that:

A) A ton of wasted plastic
B) 3.50 to 4.50 a coffee per day.

This routine sucks. So i decided to fix it. I bought a reusable, insulated coffee cup and a glass and stainless steel cold brew coffee brewer.

Then i bought a can of the cheapest coffee on sale i could find - Chock Full of Nuts.

This brewer comes with a reusable stainless steel coffee holder.


And a nice glass gradated pitcher.


And here's the cup.


You fill the steel filter with ground coffee - half way to just drink the result directly, full if you want to make cold brew concentrate.


I decided to fill it completely with coffee cause i am a serious coffee drinker: aka an addict.


You put the whole cylinder filled with the coffee into the pitcher, metal top off.


Now the most frustrating bit. You need to slowly pour water into the ground coffee beans. This sucks becausw the water does not want to filter through. So you need to get a stick - I used a wooden choptick - and then stir it constantly while pouring in water. I use a water purifier (old lead pipes).

Overall it took me a full four minutes of pouring and stirring. But eventually...

It is full - and beautiful! Holy cow, like so pretty looking. You stick that in the fridge overnight and the result is a super coffee taste, not to strong, totally non acidic. I'm going to use about a cup and a half per coffee, three ice cubes, milk and then fill the rest to the top with water. Had it today for the first time, and its delicious.

At 4$ a day, we're talking about 1200$ a year spent on DD coffee, figuring i probably skip days here and there.

This cost 40$ for the pot and cup and then 3 dollars for the coffee, which should get four pots per can and 3 cups per pot. If i've done my math right thats about $225 a year in costs,or nearly a grand in savings.

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