How To Start A Conversation With Anyone

Hi there!! How are you?

So like you can see in today's post we will talk about "How To Start A Conversation With Anyone".

Some of my friends have an interesting image about me. They say that I can start a conversation with everyone and anywhere easily. And it's true. I LOVE to meet new people. Understand the"why" of the people. Why they like what they like. What they think about something. What motivates them. And so on.

For me, it's something natural talk with people and I really enjoy it. But I notice that for some people is a really hard task to start a conversation with someone new. For this reason, I will share with you 2 "tricks" I use to start a conversation and I share 2 good stories :)

1 Be An "Ask" Person

Sometimes I'm bored in the subway. I already did 3 times full scroll on facebook, my phone died, I'm without net... Well, you get the point.

At these times I'm looking for someone "free" like me. Someone without a smartphone on their hands, or a book or someone who is not listening to music.

When I find someone I go there sit and just ask something like: 

Hello! Can you help me, please? I would like to visit something interesting here in Lisbon. Do you know anything? 

Everybody knows a good spot. Even when the answer is "No, sorry". You just need to do the right questions. Ask the same question but in a different way like. 

Ok. No problem. Just for curiosity. When you want to go out. What is your favorite spot?

Usually, people say something more specific. Use this! Ask why they like? What's there? Use "open questions". Questions where a simple "yes" or "no" doesn't work.

In my case, I already meet great people! For example. One day I was in the subway station in Lisbon and was lunch time. I was sitting on a bench, looking for a restaurant on my phone when I heard 2 girls talking about food and stuff like that so I just say:

Hello! I'm new here and I'm looking for a place for lunch. Do you know any cool place?

Girls: It depends... Do you know Rossio and Chiado? (some places in Lisbon)

Me: More or less. I know some cool spots on the area.

Girls: Well, in this case. We are getting some Italian friends. This is the first time they are here in Portugal and they want a "tour" of the city. But is our first Month here. We came from Porto and need some help... Can you help us?

So, the conversations continuo but you get the point. I was alone and after I was having lunch with a lot of people. I Meet     Giulia and Francesco a cute couple. And of course, the 2 girls. Maria and Beatriz.

So, all started with a simple question "Do you know any cool place?" Yes, I know. I was lucky at the time. But you get the point. Just do a question and let it go.

2 The "Hello" Guy

Like I already said. For me, it's a pleasure meeting new people. When I go to a party where I don't know anyone I usually need "break the ice" so I just say: 

I don't think I've met you yet, I'm Rui. (smiling obviously)

This works wonders!! Why? Because this communicates amazing things.

First communicates that "we are supposed to have met at this point". Second, this communicates that I'm a social person since I starting the conversation. 

It's normal people follow the idea. So I just stick my hand and they reflexively shake my hand. And again. Just be an "Ask person". And start asking. How do you like it here? What brings you here? Can you introduce me to someone else?

That's going to get the conversation going.

It's just this. Don't worry about anything in specific. You are not in a job interview. 

To prove this I have a small story. My English isn't very good it's true. But my English was much worse.

Someday I was at an Erasmus party. So all the people were talking in English... So what I would I do?... I could not start a conversation using jokes because I didn't know any... I had and have issues with verbal conjugations... So, yah... I was in a difficult situation... But hey "What is a fart for who are already shitting"? I don't know if I did the right traduction but I think you understand what I'm saying. xb

So, I went to talk to someone who seemed nice and say:

"Hello. I Rui. My English don't very good. But I want to improve. Can you show me someone to talk?"

Yes... I know. It looks like Tarzan when he speaks... It was one of the most horrible presentations in my life... But it worked and I met really nice people!


Most of the people enjoy meeting new people. Or perhaps just talking with someone new in boring moments or in parties. So don't think too much. Just be an "Ask Person" and feel the flow. I believe that you will meet some great people!

It's all for today. Let me know what you think about it. I would love to read one of your stories. Use the comment section to do it.

And like always,

See you later!

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