Enough Halloween Stuffs For Me ... Except This One!

We went out for lunch and shopping today and no surprise we saw the entire street full of Halloween decorations and even many parents with their kids in costumes for parties or activities ... (by the way, people here in Taiwan don't really know this holiday well nor do we have this tradition but it has been successfully 'commercialized' here... )

At first, it was interesting to see many stores spending time to make their windows echoing this holiday theme...  

Then passing by bakery ... no surprise, well...  halloween bread ... okay, kinda cute ... 

After seeing lots of pumpkins and lots of ghosts, I started to feel bored and fed up with all these similar decorations ... ENOUGH! Get more creative okay, PEOPLE!!??

That was before we bumped into this DECORATION of the DAY!! LOL!! 

NOW WE ARE TALKING! WELL DONE!!   (by the way, it is a clothes store)


Ethan says BOO! (source)

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