What I Learned From My 48-Hour Hiatus

Flipping the laptop open, I braced myself on the keyboard. Yet for a good solid hour, I just stared at my screen. Mostly just browsing and clearing out my desktop.

As I took a short break in between, I realized why I was struggling to find tasks to do. All just to procrastinate from writing.

Part of me was also testing to see if I can ever stop writing on this platform.

Because to fully form a habit, one takes around 21 days to develop a new one. But for me, it takes shorter.

Truthfully, I am never a persistent and consistent writer. I was also notorious and had a long-standing history of abandoning my blogs.

Maybe it is the addiction, like how my partner Mav had scribbled in his confession earlier today.

Or possibly, just our kiasuness as Chinese.

Nevertheless, the writings are here to stay on Steemit.


So here's what I truly learned from missing in action in the past 48 hours:

Anxiety attack is real. I keep pacing back and forth wondering about my next topic of discussion. Whatever it is, it has to be up!

Writing is a lifelong habit. Once you start writing, you'll never stop. Unless you wanted to. But point is, if you have already integrated writing as part of your life (very much like sleeping and bathing), it's kinda hard to kick off.

Ideas can be contagious. And it keeps you awake at wee hours. A viable explanation for my insomnia, and also the drive behind my sudden jolt from the bed, just to reach out for my phone and list them out in Todoist.

Steepshot is not the only solution. It can't replace a sincere piece of article. Period.

An article a day means a payout per day. What a better excuse to start penning anything and everything on Steemit. Because no article, no pay. No pay, and you'll be staring at an empty, stagnated account. Not a nice feeling :(

Out of sight, out of mind. As new members jostle their way to the #Teammalaysia Steemit Facebook, it has come to my attention that there are so many talented Steemians out there. That means, the more retracted I am from the crowd, the more left out I become. Trying too hard to fit in? Maybe. In reality, the Internet is churning close to 211 Million of content every minute. The sooner I accept this fact, the faster I come to terms in putting more effort to stay in tune with the community. Simply put, you snooze you lose.

If you have zero ideas for #TOTD (Topic of the day), I'd actually suggest taking a hiatus to clear things up. Heck, it works for me. I'm all pumped up for the week and I have 5 contents lined up for publishing. If hiatus works for me, it might for you. Take a break, have some ice cream, lonely walks, or even a movie. Then maybe you'll get something at the end of the flick. #spoilerahead? Just one thing- Don't go missing in action forever.

Last but not least, Steemians have proven to be, by far, the most supportive network of creatives and content creators. Because they inspire you to keep writing, and improving yourself; to picking up new skills and showcasing your masterpiece to the world, when they're not busy upvoting you.

Image credit: All public domain images are taken from Stencil, unless stated otherwise.

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