The Curiosity Of Life - Is It Okay To Question Life?

The existence of any living matter is life.

When it comes to the curiosity, I think life is a hot topic. Everyone would always want to know what's the meaning of life, and what's the meaning of it's existence. Why do we live? why do we die? what happens after we die? why do we live for about 100 years ? why not 60? or why not 300? Is there anything that rules our existence? Are there things like "supernatural"? Are there Gods? or some kinds of power to rule the world ?? Or is this life just a happening, and the world just a result of Big Bang Theory?

I know these questions are silly, but these are very mysterious. Everyone have their own perspective, and no one can say that he/she is right. There are only beliefs and myths, and also some unproven hypothesis . Scientist would have their own views, a monk would have his own, a devotee would have his own, and an atheist would have his own vision. So, is it all just belief? Is that how things work? on belief??

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A different perspective is a different life.

If it's only our beliefs and the myths behind this are beyond our imagination then why can't we just let it be? Why do we even want to know how things work?

Why is there a curiosity that leads us to nothing but only our own creation??

Some people might argue that this curiosity leads us to philosophy and psychology. Well, that's true. It's also true that these things makes us more difficult and complex from within. We will eventually come to a conclusion that we can only believe but not rely on. We can have faiths on that knowledge that we have developed from the curiosity and the introversion. These will certainly help us understand how things work but from our own perspective, and eventually there will be many who have their own perspectives.

So, this comes to what end? How long shall we chase our own philosophy and deploy an upgraded version of it ?? How long? When are we actually going to take a break and say "this is the end and we have achieved our own understanding, and now is the time we take a breath" ? When are we actually going to say "I am tried searching for answers that are beyond our intelligence" ?

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This is so silly that we seek for answers beyond our intelligence and forget that we are actually lacking our happiness and jollity in ordinary moments

When we were small, we were so innocent that we used to question very silly yet most intriguing part of us. We used to question why is the sky blue? or how could superman fly?
When we gradually grew up, we knew that sky was blue because of scattering of sunlight, we knew that the superman aren't real but some work of computer animation. We began to think more broadly. When we are growing even older we are starting to think more widely. We are now thinking about life, about living, we are now questioning our existence which leads to nothing but our own creation making ourselves more difficult and complex from within.

I keep thinking why can't we just keep ourselves away from these questions and find happiness in ordinary moments? Why can't we just be happy from things that used to make us happy before? Why can't we just enjoy very childish part of us rather than questioning life and making ourselves more complex?
As @aashishkandel says from this comment

the joy of life is achieved from ordinary moments

I think we should rather be happy from ordinary moments. The curiosity certainly leads us to some level of understanding, but that's only our own creation. We are only making things more difficult. We are into a trap of our own creation. This is why one should always admit

it is always wise to live the life to the fullest rather than making it more complex

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If you like to read about the art of learning, here is a admirable article by @aashishkandel

The Art Of Learning - Let's Help Out Each Other

Namaste, bless you.
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